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New Nethlerand Scenery HD - Attentention - very big file!


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Yesterday I bought the new Netherland HD scenery for P3D4 and noticed that the download had a size of about 75 GB! The download rate was rather bad-  about 2,2 MB-  (altough I have a very fast internet connection) and it took me hours and in the end the computer runs out of memory.  This file has to be splitted and also it is necsassary  to give  the chance to place it on a different space on the computer, than the suggested one (FTX). So I am really unhappy with this new product!!

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there is no option for a split file download, but you can choose a temp folder for download to your liking in FTX central. And you can also do a manual download of the ZIP file with any download manager you like.


Just have a look at various other threads in this forum regarding the topic download size.




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Flo, there is a discussion in another thread on this subject.  There would need to be hopefully some alternative for the next region released, the installation just eats up space on our drives.  Unfortunately Orbx will have us uninstalling scenery to get a more desired area onto the main drives.  And of course not buying some. 

All would be better with replaceable external drives or USB sticks though I supect the next region, maybe England will be nearly 100gigs in size.

As to slow downloads, Valmarteau, try my 0.5gigs/sec, nearly four days.

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1. Please update to the latest version of FTX Central,, as announced.



To get the new FTXC3 you will need to opt into FastLane at this link  https://orbxdirect.com/account/fastlane


2. On the settings page, there is a new tab allowing the download location to be chosen.




Please select a location that has at least 250 GB of free space, more than that is better.

The ideal location is on the same disk as P3D v4.


3. This version of FTX Central also acts as a download manager and if the download is

interrupted, it will resume where it left off. This includes having to reboot an unresponsive PC.

If your internet connection is slow and/or unreliable, this download will take a very long time.

Because FTX Central can resume the download, there is no need to split the files, they can

indeed be downloaded in blocks if desired, simply close FTX Central after 10 GB and when restarted,

it will carry on with the next 10 GB.


4. Once the download is complete, it is possible, depending on the PC hardware and the

download location chosen, that the extraction and installation process will take a further

several hours.

If it seems that FTX Central is doing nothing, it has probably not stopped and a check for disk

activity on the disk to which the download was made will confirm this.

In this event, do not interrupt the process but instead be patient.


This topic covers most of the problems.






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