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Alaska Issues

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Hi All,


     I just need to get some feedback on what is going on. So I have FTX global, FTX Vector, and NA Southern Alaska Installed. I bought 2 Airport from aerosoft. The airport designer is of course a comapny called Sim-wings they did the Achorage Airport and Fairbanks. It look like the Anchoraged airport installed perfectly but Fairbanks did not. Sim Wings claims it is compatible with FTX Vector. So the problem is I have houses in the water and trees. Below is a picture can anyone help me figure out what is wrong or how this can be fixed. I have tried everything. Picture is attached


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Possibly it was just the frozen water in winter setting that needed to be disabled.

Naturally, removing a product will always solve any problems it might cause but

Vector has a very large number of beneficial features that you will have lost.

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