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Quick reference settings

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Just installed Netherlands TrueEarth, and is about to load P3DV4 up and wanted to make sure to follow the manual with it's graphics setting recommendations. However, the manual seems to "speak" FSX and not P3D. If you look at the boxes, they do not correspond to P3D settings. Is there any way you could update the "language" to P3D settings or please translate what they refer to? What setting would be large when you think of the LOD for example, and what does global texture resolution stand for nowadays? Should I just discard these recommendations and continue on my own as they may not even be recommended for P3DV4 or is there a "minimum recommended settings somewhere so I don't loose immersion?


Thank you!




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Thank you Lawrence, I was a bit confused about the order number and which one to pick.


This is not a post about how to set up P3D, I was just wondering if I had to fine tune some sliders in order to not miss out on anything. Clearly I have my perfect sweet spot after tens of hours of "tweaking", so I just want to know if some low setting that works everywhere else could make me loose out on anything visual.


As I understand it, this scenery that was released just now is only for P3DV4, I tried to be polite in my previous post, but isn't it rather arrogant to send a manual with a copy paste recommended settings which aren't even describing the sliders for the platform that they have sold it to? I understand that manual management isn't what the funniest in this business, that's why I started the topic, to subtly remind them, and also get the recommendations I am looking for as this is my first one billion GB scenery, obviously we need to approach it with new knowledge :) 


Thank you!



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Hello Cristian,

here is a dictionary definition of arrogant for you.




1: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner 

an arrogant official

2: showing an offensive attitude of superiority : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance 

an arrogant reply





Here is a P3D v4 version of the image.







I was just wondering if I had to fine tune some sliders in order to not miss out on anything.


All complexity sliders at their highest setting will ensure that you do not miss out on anything.

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50 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Here is a P3D v4 version of the image.





Suggestion: keep Autogen draw distance at High. Imho Extremely High or even Very High aren't worth it. With High you will see objects as far as the eye can see and if you have some nasty Dutch weather you won't even be able to see that far. ;) Other than that: I am using the above settings (well, okay, tesselation at High) and performance is fine all over the country (fps between 25 and 45). I also have most shadows disabled though: only clouds are on, internal cockpit cast and receive and trees plus buildings on receive only (for the cloud shadows). And water detail is off plus reflections off apart from the clouds. All this detail simply needs appropriate settings. But even with these lower settings the experience is breathtaking when flying at like 3000 feet or above.

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Thank you Nick, that respone really made me laugh :) and most certainly made my day!


I will try these settings and hope for better weather so that I can enjoy this scenery to it's fullest extent knowing that I paid this amount of money for not only swift but also humouristic at it's finest customer care and support. If only more developers would put their foot down straight away, instead of running around in polite circles.





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