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Australian Turboprops


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State of the art jet prop is the PMDG JS41, look no further but you need a beefy system for it. Then there is my next favorite the Cheyenne...  either of these you will not be disappointed it just depends what your after.

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Thanks guys ;D

Could you give me some Ideas on which payware Turboprops are better

Calum ;D :

Digital Aviation Cheyenne is a very good one but you need to buy it. The Flight1 PC12 is ok, PC9 freaking awesome and thats it. The best was on fs9 the Aeroworx b200.
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Majestic Software have an excellent and expensive Dash 8 300, ported over to FSX and it is training standard, indeed they build an instructor version of it for professionals.

They are building the 8-400.

I am waiting for that one to buy. It comes in three levels of use, rather than difficulty, the highest being the professional training version which I have not interest, or insufficent funds for, but the Pro version looks great.  Both the available 300 version, and the 400 version have Qantas livery.

The JS4100 were the best but only about 75 were built, so there aren't many airlines still using them.

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I just brought the quest Kodiak what an awesome plane by lionheart creations

Also I would add Lionheart's Epic, a bit quicker than the Kodiak, but in need of longer strips! Very classy and I think there are a few OZx repaints for both of these great planes!

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As others have said, depends on what you want.

I have the Cheyanne and hardly ever fly it.......to me its way to 'touchy' and I cant make sense of the auto pilot. Must be me?

PC12? great aircraft and easy on the eye, corospondingly frame rates are good but the 270 kt cruise is a bit annoying after a while.

Got the Kodiak but again the damm auto pilot is a bugger to get going. Must be me?

Did want the J41 but after reading other peoples responses to it I think I'll pass, I want an aircraft I can fly not read 60+ pages of 'how to'

Only my opinon of course but I am waiting for a decent non-professional standard turbo prop that I can start and fly off with with out having to read up on it. 

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FlyingBlind:  there is a set of very good turboprops that are really worth having if you want a deeply immersive sim experience.  The J41, the ATR72-500, and the Majestic Dash8 series.  Yes they do require reading, but depending on your level of interest are outstanding.

In GA turboprops, I use the PC12 a lot, and with its STOL characteristics gives a very realistic, (good or bad) experience on handling short field landings.  The Cheyenne is the plane that in the real world I was about to move up to, but fate stepped in and I couldn't,  so now I fly it out of nostalgia.

But because you don't want to read long manuals, don't get trapped into flying the defaults with their absolutely crap GPS and autopilots.  Force yourself to go up a level.

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Thanks macca22au for your post,

must admit whilst I like the eye candy of the J41 etc I am very time poor, technically I am aware of how things work in a cockpit, I just get frustrated by the individual idiosyncrasies of the respective software company's interpretation of engine management or switchology.

For instance, the Cheyenne is a good medium piston twin in the sim but the way they have decided to get you to turn the radio/heading knobs drives me to despair. In turbulence or busy times I often get so frustrated trying to find the 'spot' were the mouse pointer needs to be I get behind the aircraft, not a good place to be and quite frankly spoils an otherwise excellent aircraft.

After leaving that aircraft in disgust in the hanger I then get into the default Kingair and lo and behold, poor graphics..yes, unrealistic flight model....possibly but the thing flys and I can operate the radios/auto pilot just by pointing and clicking and maintaining my SA and therefore enjoying the flight.

I guess what I'm looking for is a sliding scale of difficulty rather like a Sim or Arcade option, if I want a quick belt around the circuit arcade is the go, Nav's/Training etc would be sim I guess.

Not sure where I'm going with this but I do feel that I have a lot less control of the model than other flight games/Sim's of past. 

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If you can afford it, the Flight 1 PC12 is good. 

It is not hard to learn how to get it off the ground without too much trouble. 

And landing it short strip is challenging.  The autopilot is straightforward, and the heading indicator 'centres' on the present heading when you click it in the middle.

There is no FMS or similar, and if you don't want to spend time,  set up to start engine on, drop a notch of flap, rotate at about 70:  gear up, flaps up and you're away.

I find it great for exploring FSX.

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Thanks for all your help.  ;D ;D

I think I might go with the JS41 it seems to be one of the most popular.

Thanks once again

Have a Merry Christmas


If you have never used  an FMC or an FMGC before I wouldnt advise that. The J4100 has a huge learning curve for pilots familier with the FMC system let alone. I would go for the Flight1 ATR72-500 it's user friendly and the FMC is extreemly easy to programe compareed to the J41.
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I agree:

On your description of what you want, the J41 is far too complex.

The ATR is pretty good, and less complex.  However in the Real Airlines I think only Mt Cook Airlines uses them in this part of the world, and that is in NZ.  They bought them to pioneer flights to Mt Cook and Queenstown, which require considerable pilot skills and aircraft flexibility.

But they fly all through the Caribbean, and Europe, so there's plenty to experience.

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I have to disagree with you two guys :)

I agree the JS41 is complex and I personally shut down the engines and start from there every flight and the FMS is always programed, But.....

I see from these forums that some don't use the JS41 imo as you should, they start a fight don't even arm the spoilers, the engines are running and the FMS is not even touched.

So they just use the JS41 as a GA, it can as it is used like that, so to conclude it can be used very easily if you so wish.

Each to there own. Personally I like it full on as it was designed to be.

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As a former public servant I always look for compromise!

I start with the Ground Power Unit connected and electrics on, but the engines off.  This allows me to properly programme the FMS.  I then start the engines, do a pre-takeoff check list, and launch into my flight.

This saves me time, and it is rare that line pilots ever find their aircraft in any other state (except the first of the day, maybe).

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