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How can I undo a hotfix.


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I am working on an Instant Scenery for our local Power Station on Torrens Island, near Adelaide.

After running Hotfix #12 I discovered that my power station has sprouted a third chimney stack.

I would like to remove it if possible, or undo the Hotfix.



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Hi Lyn,

the easiest way would probably be to make an object exclude that covers your power station area; then you only have to ensure that your add-on has higher priotity in the scenery library than the FTX BLUE entries.

You can also deactivate or delete Orbx_Australia_VerticalObstructions_fx_SA.BGL and Orbx_Australia_VerticalObstructions_SA.BGL, in \ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU45_SCENERY\Scenery, but that would remove hundreds of vertical obstructions in that region.

Cheers, Holger

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the easiest way would probably be to make an object exclude that covers your power station area; then you only have to ensure that your add-on has higher priotity in the scenery library than the FTX BLUE entries.

Hello Holger,

I have been looking for an simple exclude utility for a while now, I have AFX but this is not an airport.

I have "FSX KML", I am not sure if that would do it.

What would be the easiest way?



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Hi Lyn,

I'm using SBuilder as well. There is a great tutorial for it in the AVSIM library -  http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fsxsd&DLID=100997 -  as well as a couple of others in the FSX Scenery Design subcategory of the AVSIM file library.

Let us know if you get stuck and we'll be happy to help.

Cheers, Holger

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I read the tutorial on SBuilderX and it covered the modified cfg file. They think it it great and you should have it.

I said no when I ran the install and it offered to replace the cfg. In what way does it mess up FTX?

It looks like a very good program, can't wait to use it.

Thanks again,


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Hi Lyn,

actually, the FTX terrain.cfg incorporates the same mods made by Richard and Luis so you're not losing out on anything.

The main benefit of those modifications is that it removes the new FSX "feature" that automatically turns water to rock textures on steeper slopes that many people found odd. The other features help with FS9 backward compatibility but have the potential problem that every user of an add-on that utilizes these backcompat features needs to install the modified terrain.cfg. Anyway, all those features are also part of the FTX mods so you're good to go.

Cheers, Holger

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the tutorial explained the new config very well, but at the time I did not know that your FTX config included these mods.

Thanks for clearing that up.


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