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I just bought ENHF, but when going there the scenery looks mighty strange, take a look at the screenshots. What's wrong?


And then I restarted the sim, but when I choose ENHF, I get the "CRASH" message. One time the aircraft was kind of jumping around, and another time the aircraft was halfway under ground. 

Feil enhf1.png

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I opted for Fastlane, but nothing happened when I launched FTX Central - I am fairly certain that I had the version yesterday. So I don't know what's different today. However, today the scenery seems to work better, with one exception. When I use a GA aircraft from Carenado, there is no problem. But When I use another, the Majestic Q400, the aircraft bounces around and other irregular movement. Is this due to the scenery or should I talk to the aircraft producer? I haven't seen this behaviour before. 


I also have another question. There doesn't seem to be any ATC options for ENHF, is this a P3D fault or scenery fault?


The scenery looks brilliant!


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Hei Jens

Im guessing you Are actually seeing the airport buildings and runway now, and that objectflow is working correctly.

Hammerfest is made a little different than regular airports, due to the fact that I wanted to include the curving runway. Therefore, there Are sometimes issues when using it as a start location. Crash detection HAS to be off. If you Are having issues, try using slew mode to position the aircraft.

I have done several flights with both small cessnas and the mentioned Q400. Although a little buggy, it performs just fine on my end.

Glad you like the airport!

Finni //the developer

Sent fra min HUAWEI VNS-L31 via Tapatalk

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