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Problem with Compton Abbas


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I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this or not -- but it seems the most obvious place to me...  (Admin, if it needs to be moved, please feel free to do so...)

Today marks at least my fourth installation of EGHA Compton Abbas Airfield, and every time, the area feature in the attached photos has been problematic.  It appears that the asphalt hasn't been hardened, and my plane (and other features) sink beneath the visible surface to a lower surface. 


Early on, I imagined this circumstance would be addressed in a forthcoming patch.  But since it's been many months (years?) now since this airport's release and it's still a problem, I'm wondering if there is some explanation.




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Thank you  Nick,

I tried your suggestion (link) -- and ran the Vector Airport Elevation Corrections utility, and rebooted the system.  I'm afraid it hasn't improved my situation.  


I am also noting similar problems with EGML (I'm reinstalling P3D V4 and all my add-ons -- with no observable problems until these two airports).  I have also run the AEC at least a couple of times with no improvement in that airport, either.  I'll post screenshots of EGML in a few moments...  (FWIW, I don't recall having issues with EGML previously.)

EGHA after 'fix'.jpg

EGHA after 'fix'2.jpg

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Have you installed EU England and the libraries yet?

Did you find and remove 000_EGHA_FTX_Exclude_ALT.BGL?

Have you run the Insertion Point tool to verify the correct

scenery library order?


There is no intrinsic fault with this airport product if it is

correctly installed and the 000_EGHA_FTX_Exclude_ALT.BGL

file is removed.


FTX Vector has no effect on either EGHA or EGML


Please see here:





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Well now, except for EGML not showing any 'spawning options' other than "Active Runway", "E", "W", and "Tower Controller", and choosing "Active Runway" spawning the aircraft out in the grass near other parked aircraft, it's not still manifesting the aforementioned problems.  I'll report back if that changes...  

But the issues with EGHA remain...

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Yes -- FTX England (and libraries) installed.  The BGL file was renamed (I assume that should be sufficient -- I wanted to be able to restore it in case I misstepped).

I am unaware of the 'insertion point tool' you mentioned, but the attached screenshot of the Scenery Library should answer whether the items appear in the correct order.


Thanks again...

Scenery Library.jpg

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Please try again and rename it 000_EGHA_FTX_Exclude_ALT.BGL.OFF

Changing the name does not disable it, only changing the file

extension to a format that the simulator does not recognise will do that.

Better still, just delete it, as it is the cause of your problem.

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Presto!!  Thank you so much!  

I have been educated today -- I have always assumed that changing any part of the name of a file would place it outside of the system's 'lookup' abilities.  I guess I know better now.  :o 


I sincerely appreciate the help.  


BTW, should EGML offer other spawning options than those listed above?  ("Active Runway, "E", "W", & "Tower Controller"?)  And if "active runway" is selected, should I assume an 'issue' if it populates over on the grass with other planes (well removed from the runway)?  

(FWIW, my prior issue with it was that my aircraft would spawn well beneath the surface of the add-on airport package's parking area, with two levels of objects visible, depending on whether I would slew the aircraft above or below that 'surface'.  I hope it will stay gone now....)

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