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Light FX Issue P3DV4. Not ORBX related issue, seeking community help

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Good Afternoon ORBX team and Community,


First off, thank you ORBX for the amazing product line and keep it coming. I have a good chunk of your items and continue to add more. Really appreciate the dedication of the team to the community and the vision you guys have is a real treat to be a part of. I work as an operations manager for a major airline and have been simming for almost 20 years and your products are spot on. So keep it up and thanks again.


Don't post often as I can usually find answers eventually somewhere in the community but so far this one has me stumped. Let me say that I do NOT believe this is ORBX related but I am posting here in hopes that this community or team could send me in the right direction.


Past month I have updated the CRJ from Aerosoft to latest version, TFDI 717 beta updates but no FX changes, installed ORBX Ireland and Pilots Mesh. Just last night added back my FlyTampa YYZ which is the latest picture. The lights in the sim the past few weeks have gone crazy and I can't seem to narrow things down. See attached pictures and if anyone can help with this mystery I would appreciate it. I do not want to reinstall the entire sim for what I think is a handful of FX files that have jumped off the deep end.


If anyone has any ideas to this mystery feel free to chime in. If not thank you for your time and all the best to everybody in 2018!






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Good Evening Nick!


Thank you for the suggestion and it worked!

Here are the details should anyone else ask!


I have P3D V4.1 installed on Windows 10 64bit, AMD RADEON 7800. The version I was on for the driver was 17.12.2 which was the latest beta in a new driver system etc. Not an expert on exact details. However 17.12 is a major update from the 17.9's which was in use during the fall. Again my terminology isn't the best.


I did consecutive rollbacks to 17.12.1 which didnt work then went to the next one which was the last complete driver, 17.9.3. This did the trick, tested across ORBX scenery and various 3rd parties and all seems well. Should any issues arise i'll message back but everything is in order.


Thank you for taking the time to reply even though this wasn't an ORBX issue. Greatly appreciate the effort and saved me hours of further troubles. 


All the best and should you need anything from the YYZ area in future projects feel free to send me a message!






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In order to fix this issue, there is no need to roll-back the entire driver package thus missing on the new features that major updates from AMD usually bring with them.


The latest DX drivers from AMD which don't cause this issue come from the Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.3 package.


All is needed is to drop atidxx32.dll and atidxx64.dll from the 17.10.3 drivers package into Prepar3D v4's main directory.

This prevents a full system downgrade to older drivers while allowing the sim to use the last non-buggy dll's.


The files themselves are compressed into .dl_ format and must be expanded into .dll after retrieving them from the main package.


If needed, I can give detailed instructions on how to go through the entire process.



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