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P3DV4 quits upon transition from NA to SA


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Hi Gents,

Made 4 times flight KMSP to TFFF with PMDG 777, then 737NGX and AS CRJ700/900 and never could get through..

As  soon as I come, roughly, to North North/Est of CUBA and at around 80NM, P4DV4 quits.

Never sustained such experience under other routes (flying daily)

Sound to me as a transition trouble between Open LC NA and SA despite I haven't the expertise to say so.

Hope you can investigate.

Kind regards,

P4DV4.1 - ORBX - REX Sky force hotfix.1 (WX disconnected) - ASP4 


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Hi Nick,

Just disappearing without prior warning or error message.

All other addons, as stipulated on my previous report, are still there. 

Currently performing same flight (PMDG 772) without ORBX, to see if things differ.

I'll keep you informed on the outcome.

If trouble persists, I'll do it, AGAIN, with default A/C.

Kind regards

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Performed the 5th attempt as indicated and, without ORBX connection, same trouble.

I do think that ORBX is not involved on this and will continue troubleshooting on this issue.

For info :

- Trouble happening after 3H40 of flight

- P3DV4 sim vanished on last position  N24°39'/W074°59'

 BUT amazingly, A/C still connected on IVAO network and elapsed time building up plus ASP4 remains also connected.

Ref to attachments for détails.


ASP4 Aircraft position.jpg

aircraft stopped but time recording on.jpg

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That's interesting because I've had a similar issue, but not quite to the SA point (somewhere over Yukon Territory).  I've tried three times to fly KIAD to RJAA and always near that point.  I get a ntdll.dll error message in the Event Viewer.  Thought it may be SkyForce 3D related since that's the newest thing I've added, but not sure.  Not sure if this comment helps or just adds more confusion.

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Hi everyone,


I had several kernelbase, g3d and "p3d hard exits" over NA and SA, for me two locations seems involved:

- two Times descending to San Juan TJSJ from north (like tsc6440)

- three times approaching or departing ksan, and going east to JFK


Thank you



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/14/2018 at 12:49 PM, B777LR said:

Some have this ntdll.dll error when flying from Europe to North America. I think Canada is the Bermuda triangle of flightsim. 


You can say that again.  Have fought this for years on FSX and P3Dv4.  For me, it seems that disabling Vector is the workaround.

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