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Avalon Airshow defeats me

John York

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Sorry to be a nuisance but I have two questions;

I wanted to taxi out on to runway 18 at the Avalon Airshow but there were crowds of people in the way.  Can someone tell me please where the hooter to move them is please?  Seriously though, this was a problem which leads me to the next question;

Having turned off FSX as instructed I brought up the Avalon Control Panel and tried to untick the Avalon Airshow but it wouldn't let me.  I could untick any of the other options but not this one.

I would be grateful if one of you clever boffins could give me the answer to this dilemma please.

Many thanks.


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Hi Woltar

Right, I've done that but that switch in the control panel still doesn't work.  The annoying thing is that all the others do!

I've tried that switch by the way in both FTX Central and in the shortcut  that's come on to the desktop.

Any other ideas please?

Many thanks


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I could do that John but don't get me wrong.  What I prefer is to have the choice of of Avalon alone or of Avalon with the airshow.

However, I think I might have found the answer.

Yesterday, I chose 'Runway' as the take off point and I found myself at Avalon East.  I could see the Airshow in the distance so I flew into Runway 18 and there were these crowds of people all watching me land so I parked in front of them:

Posted Image

Actually, I do quite like it this way.  Best of both worlds if you see what I mean.  And I can understand not being allowed to take off from the main airport while the show is going on and was a bit surprised to discover I could land.  But is this the way it should be, or should I really have the option to turn off the show and use the main airport with no sign of the show?


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John, I do apologise.

I can be so bloody thick at times! :-[  It's taken me 24 hours to realise that what you recommended I do, is exactly what I have been asking for!

Having done it, it works brilliantly and I can now turn it on and off at will. ;D

Many many thanks.  Once again, you and Wolter have turned up trumps.


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John, I do apologise.

I can be so bloody thick at times! :-[  It's taken me 24 hours to realise that what you recommended I do, is exactly what I have been asking for!

Having done it, it works brilliantly and I can now turn it on and off at will. ;D

I think we can live with your apologie ;D;)

Good to hear it got sorted, wich is the main thing for us ;D

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