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Hi, I had been away from simming for a while, but came back and using FTX Central with FSX:SE with Flyinside FSX and Oculus Rift.  The libraries and several add ons needed to be updated, which I did.  I also ran Force Migration.  Now when I run the program everything looks good EXCEPT there are no road textures.  Runways are there.  I see the roads and see the cars driving on them, but the roads are all dirt when they used to "Look" like concrete.

I tried, so far, in Squamish and Friday Harbor with same results.  

I would appreciate any help.

Since I am logged in I am assuming that my purchased products show up, but if not I can, at least show:
Order Number FSS0467823


Orbx NA Blue USA/Canada Pacific Northwest



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Hi Smudger,

Thanks so much for your reply.  I do no have FTX Global Vector installed, so I am wondering if that is why in FTX Central where is says "Configure FTX Global Vector" the "Configure" Button is grayed out, so I don't have any options or Panel....Or am I looking in the wrong place?



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You are looking in the right place, it is greyed out because you do not have Vector installed.

Is your texture filtering set at anisiotropic ?

The roads use one of the hiway_1*, hiway_2* or hiway_4* bitmaps with concrete, asphalt, and gravel appearance in the Scenery - World - Texture folder

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Hi and thanks again.

I do see plenty of hiway and bmps as well as FTXG_V_road* bmps in the folder you mentioned. 

I just changed the filtering from "Trilinear" to "Anisiotropic" ...that seems to have done the trick...Thank you!

What does that do, by the way,..and why would that have helped?

Thanks so much for helping me.


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