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EU Ireland and other FTX first installation


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(It Comes from a first forum post I initially did the 14th November 2017, first answered by John Dow. I'm reposting it here and completing it as I understand this is the correct place).


Dear Orbx Sir/Mme.,

sorry for a help request for some -I can imagine- so basic questions. I'm a real rookie in Flight Simulation. I'm just trying to configure a good software base to train in FSX SE with a little more realistic scenery. After asking some friends, I have chosen ORBX as the community consider your brand as a warranty of quality, and some videos and screenshots comparing with other products, seem to say the same. Moreover, I'm failing in achieving the expected result.

I installed 3 months ago FSX Steam over Windows 10. With FSX Steam I bought and installed also REX 4 Texture.

I use FSX to train in flights (currently) over Ireland. I'm in fact flight instructor flying in South of Ireland diary. Original FSXscenario is so bad, that it was totally impossible to me neither recognize the main landmarks or coastline accidents. I installed some freeware Ireland scenery (ireland+some Irish airports) with some improvement, but still far from what I was looking for. So, I decided to buy ORBX EU_Ireland, after seeing how it was supposed to look like. Moreover, after having installed it and configured FSX as recommended in your instructions, the results are far distant from what expected (poorer) in terms of realism, detail or precision.

I thought it could be due other software was required to achieve the level and look you show in your website, so finally (and the day I decided that I discovered so happily you 45% off offer) I bought and installed also 4 FTX Global products:  FTX Global BASE Pack, VECTOR, openLC Europe and Trees HD (Plus Libraries). I Installed also some ORBX freeware as Euro Airports Pack or Islandia. 


Initially, I lead FTX Central doing its job, but there were some clear problems, as airports and other landmarks (lighthouses) were duplicated (and "floating" on the air) or with not the best detail possible (ORBX Euro Airports are not always on the same place exactly that the ORBX Ireland ones and the details are a little worse). So, I have changed some scenery up and down, doing my best, and it has improved.

After that,  I think it really has improved, but it is still below the expected. About "what was expected" and how it looks like: please, find the attached pdf file. First page, the expected: just what ORBX is showing on its web page. I have seen also some video in Youtube with Orbx Ireland of several users, and really it looks like ORBX pictures (so, I don't put the blame at all in ORBX, but on my configuration, I suppose). Next three pages, what I'm looking at. 

On ORBX pictures, the landscape, the terrain... is much more realistic. The textures, the shadows... all together is a really compact single sight of a landscape. On my simulation moreover, it's a mix of flat photos of fields, nonsense streets, vegetation... over which there are grey lines (the roads), and flat vertical objects that suddenly appear as you approach, as trees, random houses, industry chimneys... Also, I expected some details to be fixed with vector, as what should be a tunnel and appears as a bridge (as a road crossing the sea in fact) I show you in a picture. I read that Vector fixed all that, so I expected clearly those details to be fixed.

Can it be related to the order an priority of the scenery in FSX? (Which is the correct one? I have seen many comments in forums about in opposite directions), My video card power? FSX Layout?


Thanks for your help,

Carles Algué


My details:

- FSX Steam Edition, with REX 4.

- my Orbx receipts Id. 5a00483614a8c   and    5a1de587cf9ec.

-My Computer details:

   Laptop Toshiba Satellite (2015). 

   Graph card AMD Radeon R7 M260, and Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500

   Processor Itel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz

   RAM 8,00 GB; HDD 1TB

   Windows 10 Home. Processor and S.O. 64 bits

Expected an actual ORBX Ireland.pdf

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Hello Carles,

Here is the correct order of a properly configured Simulator Scenery Library, showing the locations of FTX products in relation to each other, other 3rd party software and default items:





If your scenery library does not look like this (or similar), in particular your FTX scenery entries, you can use FTX Central to set your "insertion points"


If you could attach your scenery.cfg to your next post.

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Hi Smudger,


I think I finally fixed my problem. I have done several things, but probably the more relevant one was related with some free sceneries I installed previously to ORBX ones, that where int addon, with higher priority (all removed now). I also increased the xxxx. At last, I think that all the pictures displayed by ORBX about the Ireland scenery, are done in "summer" time, which has a much more bright green and -I think- looks more realistic than other seasons.

Just a little detail about the scenery.

I use fly in Munster (south of Ireland). In general, thanks to EU IRL ORBX scenery, or Vector or both, really the roads, lakes, coastline... have improved so much. There are moreover several relevant details than are just not "details" that surprise me soo much.

- In Cork's harbour there are two islands: Halbowline and Spike Island. The fist is the main Ireland Navy base. On the second, there's a fortification than use be a jail. No one of the islands is displayed.

- It's supposed that the Vector should include the detail of railways, but really I can't see and identify railways clearly as they should be.

- It's also announced that Vector detail all the bridges and tunnels. I only know two underwater tunnels in South of Ireland, one in Cork and other in Limerick. In both cases, instead of a tunnel, the road crosses the water in surface.


Maybe those questions should be addressed to the IRL or Vector development team for them to improve it on next revision, and not here (I'm not an expert on those forums, sorry). In general I have to say that I'm so happy with ORBX products. Great improvement over my previous landscape!





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