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Elevation issues after removal of FTX products


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I removed all my Orbx products in P3Dv3.4 since going to v4. This was to reduce harddrive space mainly. After two months of not being able to use v3 due to the whole Windows Update, I was able to finally get back in it to do a flight using the A2A B377. 

Upon landing at KEGE where I previously had Jarrads KEGEinstalled, I arrived to the runway being under the ground. I then reinstalled Vector into v3 and ran a elevation correction which did not remove KEGE. So heres my findings. If I manually add it to the list of airports to AEC disabled for the runway and taxi/tarmac is elevated and the ground around it is sunken. If I set the AEC is enabled for the runway is sunken and the land around it is elevated.

Having only tried this one airport, must ask, what do I need to do to make sure this issue is corrected and not seen at all the other possible locations previously having Orbx HD airports?

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