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Orbx ENHF Hammerfest, Issue found.

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Confirm the same issue here, removing those two files fixes it.

It has some weirdness on land aswell where you can see weird stripes that changes when you look at them, same goes for the squares.

Color weirdness on the Airport aswell.





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I am afraid there is a real problem here at ENHF.

The problem is with the waterclass around ENHF which shows a different hue color.

As shown here:


Not as clear as I wanted it to show, but you can see clearly a line crossing the image from left to right and showing a different blue.

Not using any shader modif for this test;

Shaders had been cleared before the test;

Same problem occurs during summer (where there is more light for this part of the world);

Tested in both P3Dv3.14.22 and PeDv4.17

Here's a better picture:



Note: in as far as I could tell in those tests, I could not find anything wrong with the land textures at the airport or surroundings.


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To end this topic on a positive note:

The problem was a modified shader. Although I had a backup to revert to, it did not correct the problem.

I am not 100% positive which one it was that caused the problem. Otherwise I would have identified it.

So be warned about modifying your shaders...


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I believe your conclusion is not tied to facts:

Fact no. 1: look closely at Nick's picture at ENHF. No problems there.

Fact no.2: after a re-installation of P3Dv3 and v4, ENHF scenery is correct: picture is same as Nick's. No blocks of different hues.

And on a side note, yes I did have that problem with other areas: checked ENBR, CYRI, TVSC. They all showed that different hue near the coastline.


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