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Australia mid air crashes

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through P3dv41 I've started revisiting Australia


it has happened several times: GA planes and helos are sometimes crashing midair with nothing in proximity (aircrafts, buildings, trees), and while taxing on runways and taxiways (OZx, YBBN)


it occurs I remember that a similar issue, years ago, was maybe related with the presence of Aerosoft Antarctica, yet I could not find the explaining topic...was it?


thanks for directions


Hello Tozzifan,

Have you turned off Crash Detection in your Sim and if you have Aerosoft Antarctica have you tried deactivating it in your Sim library ?


crashes happen also after deactivating Antarctica (a lot of them while taxiing, I don't know whether relevant, by the way), of course they don't happen deactivating crashes in realism settings


might it be, having OZx and Ant airstrips installed, also a factor?


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