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Scenery won't work in Prepar3D V4. What step am I missing?

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I loved my Orbx with FS-x. Fantastic scenery!  I bought over $200  worth of ORBX products today for my (newly purchased) Prepar3D V4 and after install it (Global and Pacific Northwest) nothing changed  in my flight simulator. Same old terrible scenery. I know it isn't showing or working.

 FTX  central (3) only offers me to download my products. Before, The old FTX central would let me add or configure my scenery. This new FTX doesn't offer me anything except download. What am I missing?  In Prepar3D, I have added areas under scenery/add menu (as a desperate attempt to fix things). That didn't do anything. Anyway, I have no idea where to go from here. I won't even download the 3 more areas I have purchased.

In my Prepar3d V4 directory, there is an Orbx directory and it looks like all the files are there. I know that  I must be missing a simple step, but I can't figure it out. I have been a flight simmer for 30 years and I have never ran into something so complicated.


Sorry for the gloom, but some of you will know the feeling.  Hoping for a miracle :-)


al pelletier

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thanks Nick. I know it has to be something simple. I am doing an update right now, in FTX Central 3. Once it is done, I will upload a picture of what I looks like. It doesn't offer me to add areas etc..... At least I can't find a button to take me there


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