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FTX Central all Orbx products/regions dissapeared!

Riccardo F.

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Hi all,


I have a really serious problem I've never had before. After update my Orbx libraries all Orbx products/regions (OpenLC europe, North America, South America, addons airports...) suddenly dissapeared from FTX Central. I noticed almost all the entries of Orbx are dissapeared form cfg scenery file too! 
Please help me, it's a relly serious problem here.
Thank you very much for your help!



Riccardo F.

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Thank you very much for your fast reply, you are very kind!

Doing what you suggested me let FTX Central show my orbx products again in it! But the strange thing now is this: it seems all my products (openLC Europe, north America, vector and so on) are not installed! But the funny thing is that if I go to ORBX folder inside FSX main folder all the products which are apparently not installed are actually INSTALLED! 
I can see them also in my scenery configurator, while FTX Central told me are NOT INSTALLED! 
This is really weird, like a bug or something similar...I attach some screenshots to let you see what I'm saying


One last IMPORTANT THING I noticed: if I open FTX Central all the entries of Orbx magically vanish from scenery configurator and I have to add them manually from Orbx backup scenery cfg folder (inside program data, under disck /:C) REALLY REALLY WEIRD!!!

Waiting for your news, many thanks Nick!





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It does indeed look as if your versions folder has been damaged.

The good news is that you can run "Install Product" for those that are

missing and FTX Central will restore everything with the minimum of

downloading, unless of course the files are also missing.



There is no magic, only logic in the scenery library entries disappearing.

FTX Central is being told that the products are not installed, so naturally

it is not writing scenery library entries for them.

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I try to install one product from FTX Central but it takes many time, for example just to re-download FTX Global base and it takes almost 1 hour! And after that I can see it in installed...
At this point for now I don't use FTX Central...simply if I don't open it my ORBX entries remain in scenery cfg! So I'm fine with that...


But I still don't understand the reason why if I launch FTX Central it deletes entries of ORBX from cfg scenery file ...

Do you think I'm fine to stay in this way? I mean...open FTX Central no more so the ORBX entries stay where they are in the cfg scenery file?
Or it would be better to re-download ORBX product from FTX Central??

Thank Nick!

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FTX Central is removing the scenery library entries for the products that it is being told are not installed.

It is being told this because the text files for the products are missing from the versions folder.


The solution is to open FTX Central and install the products that are marked as Not installed.


This will replace the text files in the Versions folder, check and add any missing files as necessary and write

the correct entries into the scenery library.

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