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Vector AEC stopped working


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I just moved all my Orbx sceneries to my new P3d4 windows 10 machine and then ran the Vector AEC tool. The tool finished as usual and I hit apply. Upon checking some of the sceneries, KPSP, maybe there are others I did not check, had plateaus so I ran the AEC again but the second time I got a notice of the updated FTX Central 3 with P3d v4 support. After the update it no longer will stop running (longest run time one hour). I have no other scenery installed with  the exception of some FlyTampa scenery, which I installed after thee FTX update.

As per instructions from the forum I uninstalled FTX Central 3 and reinstalled (twice) with not effect. Another thing I noticed is there is no error logs. I verified that I was looking in the right place by looking in my FSX machine and logs are there. So if you ask for the error logs there are none.

I saw another post who has the same problem so I am pretty sure it's not my computer, I turned off all antivirus, firewalls with no change. I'm kinda at a standstill with my other third party stuff until this gets sorted out. Thanks in advance.




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16 minutes ago, agcat600 said:

Nick, I 'm sorry but I will have to sign off for now my wife's car won't start and is stranded so I will have to rescue her. But first I must finish my flight. Hopefully we can continue later.



You forgot a bit.

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