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Still confused about SP3

John York

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I expect by now you must be fed up to the teeth with people like me asking questions......but...... I see many of the new freeware downloads are marked up as SP3.  I now don't know which ones I've got and which I haven't.  That's not so much of a problem as I honestly can't see the difference between the SP3 Airports and what I had originally!  They all seem to work very well, so can someone please tell me what the differences are and how I can tell quickly and easily those I've got and those I haven't!

Sorry to be such a nuisance.


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Hi John,

Let me try and help you out of your ........  ;D

the various airfields as stated by the team are UPDATED to the latest SP3 standards, some  things where added, some things where deleted, some things where improved, some of them where completely reworked and all should now have included a localized control panel where you can select wich things to show or not, furthermore the Library files where taken out, as it didn't make much sense packaging them with every installer, so they are available as a separate download thus in effect saving some 20 mB per dowmload.

I hope this answers you question :)

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Yes it does Wolter, and thank you for the very propt reply. 

However, as I intend to download the lot, I have three supplementary questions;  1.  When installing, can I overwrite the existing files, or do the originals have to be uninstalled first?  2.  As they will all each have their own individual Contol Panel, will they be included in FSX Central or be shown as Shortcuts on the desktop?  3.  If these Control Panels will all appear as a desktop shortcut, is there a way we can insert them into FSX Central?

Here we go, a marathon downloading session! ;D  There's one thing, I'll probably be able to get them all together on just the one 'back-up' DVD, or even perhaps a CD. ;)


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Fine.  Many thanks John and Wolter.  You've sorted me out as usual. ;);D

Yes, you were right Alex.  2 DVD's. Although being mean and knowing there will be more to come, I put what was left on CD's - cheaper.  When I have enough to fill up another DVD, I'll copy the CD one's over.

So come on John and company, the challenge is to fill another DVD! ;D


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