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Tapini Scenery Terrain Issues


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Using P3Dv4.1 (just updated from 4.0 this morning - not the issue).  I have several Orbx products (Global, Vector, OpenLC-NA/E, Several regions, airports, etc.).  Any issues I have had in the past related to elevation issues have been fixed easily with the automatic elev. corrections tool.  I have not flow the Tapini scenery in some time and decided to give it a try again this morning.  Some airports seem ok, while others have major issues.  For instance, Tapini (TAP) has huge craters in it and others have the opposite issue with "volcanic dome" under the airport.  Some are ok.  I have run the configuration tool, updated everything, etc. and nothings seems to be helping.  Any ideas?  This worked fine in the past when I ran it in P3Dv3.


Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit, Haswell i7 4770k @ 3.5, 16 ram, GTX780, SSD's, etc.

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