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Flightsim Con after.


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Well did go to the show and as usual very good but didn’t see anybody I recognised apart the CEO John V, whent to have a chat but he was busy talking to other people so didn’t get a chance. Maybe next year, perhaps we need to have badges with our Orbx names on.  .Derek.

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10 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Anything new from Orbx revealed?


Hi. No not that I saw or heard, really to tell the truth me and my son thought the stand was a bit of a let down, mean they had all the pictures of Orbx software there and with a tv showing off different items but you would have thought seeing as it is a business that they would have had items for sale there even with just a bit off the asking price, say similar to what Justflight did. Or even a bigger screen showing Orbx software. Plus this year the show seemed to be a lot busier than last year. Think Orbx dipped out there. Maybe next year. Sorry John just my opinion and I really love Orbx. Derek.

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