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Color of bridges/overpasses different from roads


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Hi, first time poster here.  I've been wondering why the color/texture of all freeway/highway bridges, overpasses, and ramps is so different from that of the roads?  I.E., my major roads are kind of a dark grey, and the overpasses/ramps/bridges are a light tan color by comparison.  BTW, I'm using Global, Vector, NA and EU Landclass, Northern and Southern CA, and the demo areas, with FSX.  I've seen this in screenshots posted by others as well, so I'm just wondering if there is any kind of fix for this.  Thanks.



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Welcome to the forum Kevin.


I'm sorry I can't help you, but a picture would be very helpful as the road colours have never worried me.

If you are not sure how to add a picture to your post, at the first post of most directories Orbx very thoughtfully, tells you how to do it.  ( it's probably in youtube too) very simple proceedure.


Good luck, have fun and don't forget about all the free sceneries.  They are top class.



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I can't speak for every part of the world, but I am kind of used to a lot of bridges in real life being paved differently than the Roadways connecting them? 


certainly sim bridges for the most part don't look great, and it seems a more natural transition in real life,  but a lot of bridges I use every day are concrete, with asphalt roads on either end.   


probably hard to fix this, since in the sim they are two different things, bridges are scenery objects, and roads are vector objects.  very few wide area scenery objects take close scrutiny very well individually, since developers need to keep the polygon counts low, so you can have thousands of objects on the screen without killing your pc,  

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