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PAVD Valdez runway crash

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This is my first attempt at using the support forum so I hope I'm doing it right. I recently purchased PAVD Valdez along with a number of other sceneries in your current sale. It is an absolutely fantastic addon but I am having a problem with an invisible object on the runway causing the aircraft to crash during take off or landing. It's located on Runway 06 about 1000 feet from the threshold. Other than turning off "crash detection" which I hate to do, is there a fix for this?
Thank you


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On ‎8‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 3:42 PM, Nick Cooper said:

Here you are.



Thanks for the response Nick but the link wasn't a lot of help to me. There was a mention of a fix in an upcoming service pack but it was dated October 2016. And in my case, the crash doesn't happen in the GA parking area but actually on the runway...

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