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No more over clocking for me


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Well my first and last go at over clocking went very bad.

I download the Asus AI suit and turn it to "rocket" setting and gain 3-4 fps in fsx so i but it back to the "Car" (normal) setting and tryed the % gain option.

The first was 5% and the next was 10% all the way upto 50%

I set it at 10% and BANG reboot to hell its now in the PC shop and even they are having trouble getting it to boot vista although they think ram cpu etc are ok its [Bad Word Replaced: JayKae Auto Replace]ed something up big time.

Never again....NEVER.

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Hi Dave,

the Asus tool for OC'ing is a pain in the you know where  >:(

best way to go about it is get your documentation about the subject and do it via your BIOS, all that data should be in your manual of the MoBo, and read till ya virtually drop about it ;D

advantage is you know what you have done and in case off you can easely restore back to deafault at boot up

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Sorry to hear of your PC/overclocking problem Dave. Unfortunately overclocking is not something you rush and personally I think the software such as you used makes it seem a far simpler task than it is, at least when you are messing directly with the settings in the BIOS you have a sense of what is being changed and by how much. I know I have had a few worrying moments when I've been overclocking and suddenly the computer fails to boot or it starts playing up badly. I don't think there is any quick way to overclock, it's really a case of gradually increasing the clock speed and test, test and test again. Before you even get to this stage you also need to be very realistic as in what can be achieved with your processor and what you personally may be able to achieve with regards to the level cooling you have. Personally I've been quite lucky that I have been able to push my Q9550 from stock 2.83Ghz upto 3.8Ghz, but I'm sure this has only been possible because I bought a case (Antec 1200) specifically for its cooling reputation and a dirty great 120mm fan CPU cooler (can't remeber which one now).

Anyway, none of this helps you at all now, but I hope your expierence does not put you off over-clocking completely. It can be done with varying degrees of performance increase, but it does have to be done gradually and with awareness of what can happen if it all goes wrong. Please don't think I'm sitting here tut-ing and rolling my eyes at you Dave, quite the opposite I'd be gutted if I were in your position and hope you get your PC fixed with the minimum of expense very soon.  :(

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The only way anyone should overclock is to use a capable motherboard and BIOS setup that allows you to control every aspect of the clocking values. OS based utilities are a big NO. The problem is you have to be sure that during an overclock the voltages to both CPU and RAM are not being played around with.

The best and safest way to overclock is to manually adjust the CPU multiplier and the FSB bus speed, leave voltages completely alone (unless your an advanced user) and be sure the RAM frequency does not exceed it's rated maximum. Save the BIOS and reboot, job done. You may have to reduce the overclock a little if instability occurs, but eventually you will reach a happy stable level.

Sorry you had to find out this way though mate. This is why the saying "overclocking is to be undertaken at your own risk" is made clear by many who offer advice on the subject.....including me  :)


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Thanks guys and thanks all your kind words.

Just got it back and its seems(fingers crossed) it's OK, but vista got corrupted and it was a hard one for even the guys who build my PC's to sort out, but they have done it and it looks like it's OK not tryed running fsx yet but Ive just deleted AU suit lol.

I will leave over clocking to the people with the skills :).

Thanks for your kind reply


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NEVER NEVER use any overclocking software like the one you used or Ntune.....first before thinking about overclocking you have to read a LOT about it on forums, read from others with the same mobo and the same CPU.

Second, you can't overclock with the default CPU cooler, you need to buy a good one, this is mine as an exp: an after market CPU cooler is a must for

overclocking.  http://www.compusa.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4387079&CatId=99

Like the others said ALWAYS overclock from the bios.....myself I fried an Qx6850 ($999.99us at the time) by not knowing what I was doing....so the secret is to read read and read about overclocking. Overclocking is another world by itself....

I spend 1 1/2 week almost 16 hrs per day tweaking my rig to get where I'm at right now.......

Maybe you can but "If you can't afford to overclock don't overclock"........

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Just my own findings.

With a modern motherboard you can not overclock the overclock.The computer just will not start.

Overclocking is easy. The hard part is controling the heat. Overheating will do more damage than trying to overclock.

As I understand it, the maximum possible overclock is to 4.2.  That is one of the reasons why multi-core cpu's are now used.

In my own case , I have mine running perfectly smoothly at 4.2. Core temps are in the 60's with occasional bursts into the low 70's. This is accomplished with the aid of half a ton of aluminium and four heat pipes.

As summer is slowly approaching I am trying to decide whether to install water cooling or to cut my O/C back

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Overclocking is an interesting field where increases in clock speeds are proudly displayed all over the net, but looking for actual factual reports of meaningful increases in FSX frame rates across the board are rarely sighted.

I once overclocked successfully, and had a 20% increase in CPU performance according to the testing programs, and this translated across the board to an average of 1-3 fps in FS2004.  However I also had increased stutters and other issues.

Since then I have always used original settings in the BIOS, original drivers as used by the manufaturers, and I get good performance out of FSX using a dual core Athlon 6400+ CPU.  Stutters have disappeared now, and I get good frame rates over all but the most complex scenery or around old non-optimised scenery objects.

I would be interested to have a report posted by someone who is running an overclocked rig, who is prepared to take a standard flight from a sparse scenery area into a complex scenery area (YLIL to YMML for instance) at the original specs and report all fps rates as well as any stutters, glitches, hestitations and the like, and then do the same flight at the overclocked setting with the same reports.  My gut feeling is that fps increases will not increase anywhere near the amount of the overclocking, and any stuttering etc will increase.

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Overclocking is an interesting field where increases in clock speeds are proudly displayed all over the net, but looking for actual factual reports of meaningful increases in FSX frame rates across the board are rarely sighted.

scenery or around old non-optimised scenery objects.


I'm not sure that 0/Cing has a great deal to do with frame rates, as mine are locked at 30.

My computer is now running at 4.78. An overclock of 24%. I installed a water cooling unit yesterday and core temps are in the 60's when flying.

O/Cing speeds up the computer. Everything runs faster and smoother. When I click on my FSX icon it takes only 30/40 seconds before I arrive at my default airport. Not the 2/3 minutes someone was complaining about the other day.

AS for YMML.I can cme and go there with fps above 20 with just one exception. If I point my nose at the Hilton Hotel they drop to about 15.

As I said earlier overclocking is not dangerous. Overheating is.

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