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New FSX Steam User - please help...

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hi Orbx FSX Steam support,


i am a very new sim flyer - FSX Steam & X-Plane 11 - some help would be appreciated...


i purchased FSX Steam from Steam with quite a few add-ons recently...


loaded up the Orbx Tasmania Demo & liked it & purchased Orbx Australia - i must admit the black boxes all over the place were horrible - but i simply removed the Preview DX10 option & worked OK...


1) can i have DX10 preview enabled & still use Orbx Australia without black boxes? best tips would be appreciated...


2) did i need to install Holgermesh for Orbx Australia?


3) is Orbx Australia pack included in FTX Global - is Australia pack a subset or a superset?


4) can i move my FSX Steam installation folder to a new SSD drive & have the FTX installed Orbx files (Australia & freeware add-ons) automatically migrate with FSX files?...


thanks for your time,


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Hello Craig.


1). There is a freeware fix at the Avsim Library, shader_release_v3.2.3.zip


2). Yes.


3). Australia is an FTX region, it requires no other FTX products to work as it should.


4). No, you will have trouble with registry entries, as do all the customers who do this.

If you didn't install to the C drive, you can move all your files to the new SSD and then

assign the drive letter of the original install location to the new SSD.

If you did, you will need to amend the registry entry to point to the new location or FTX Central will

not be able to see it.

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thank you Nick for your informative reply,


the DX10 fix worked very well...


& it seems that i could add FSX Global pack to my current FTX Australia pack to enrich my flying experience (both products add their own features as i understand it)...


a lot to learn...


cheers, craig

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Each FTX region has its own textures, mesh, landclass, vector and scenery objects.

These are all tailored to the region and all other outside influences are excluded.

For this reason, if you install FTX Global, it will make no difference at all to what

can be seen inside any FTX region, including Australia.

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that's good info Nick,


i have been into computers for 30+ years & the modern sims intrigue me...


i am also impressed with the online community & the Orbx Aussie development with worldwide connections - i like good software...


time is precious so i will now purchase FTX Global Base, based on your recommendation...


thanks, craig

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because of your most welcome help Nick i have purchased & installed FTX Global Base with available freeware...


this will give me plenty to go on with @ moment with FSX:Steam...


in the future i may be interested in P3Dv4 as i have an up-to-date computer with good specs & i realise i will be able to use my Orbx purchases with it...


thanks again,


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