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Holgermesh and Win7 Ultimate


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G'day guys. I have just rebuilt my FSX after upgrading my machine to something decent and running win 7 Ultimate (rtm, not rc).

Just downloaded Holger mesh and tried to install it (I think). I am running FSX with SP2 (no acceleration pack). When I run the exe to install holgermesh, the indicator jumps to 41% initially and then then finishes. Win7 throws up a box to say it didn't install correctly. When I look in the ORBX folder within FSX I can see several bgl's. I then try to add the scenery under settings, but nothing appears when I select the ORBX... scenery folders.

I have turned off the virus scanner and run the exe as administrator.

FSX still runs ok and is great under Win 7.

Questions are, how many bgl's should I see in the ORBX folder, does it install automatically into the scenery otr is it still a manual load via settings etc.. and Have I missed something?

Thanks for the help and I'll wait for an answer before I attempt to install the Ozx gear.

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Hello Sweeper,

No need to worry about the "this program did not install correctly" message, I get that for a lot of random programs in windows7..just ignore it

As for Holgermesh, I have included a picture of my Holgermesh folder as an example

It should install itself without you having to do anything (you can check your Scenery-Library in the FSX settings panel to double check it is present)

r.e adding scenery in windows7 is a little different than with previous OS, and generally is like this:

go to the Scenery-Library

click "add-area"

browse to the scenery

click once on the folder to highlight it

click OK (it will take you inside the folder)

then left/right click anywhere in the folder




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Since you don't have any Orbx FTX payware SP3 regions, it won't install automatically, since it's dependant on an application which comes with Orbx payware regions. You will manually need to add the scenery library entry for the ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_HOLGERMESH folder.

There should be 9 bgls in that folder.

Windows 7 RC always pops up that dialog after an application is installed, it's part of its debug code I think. So not sure why that is being shown in the RTM version of Win7 (I don't have it yet).

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Ok I have the nine bgl's in there, but when I browse to the scenery library as indicated there are no items displayed. The scenery folder is empty and the message is "No items match your search". A left click/OK  does nothing, a right click only brings up a normal windows right click menu.

As an aside , I have also downloaded the other ftx freewares and the ftxaa_ymml, ftxai aircraft & traffice sceneray folders all have bgl's.

Lost out this time around, anything else I'm missing?

Thanks again


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Hello again

attached some pictures showing how to add scenery in windows7

go to the Scenery-Library

click "add-area"

browse to the scenery

click once on the folder to highlight it

click OK (it will take you inside the folder) * picture 1

then left/right click anywhere in the folder * picture 2

And also could you please add your P/O numbers for YMML and AU_BLUE to your signature as per: http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=1415.0

Thanks mate




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Hi guys, this is getting tedious.

ok, I go to Setting scenery library, add area, scroll through to the ORBX folder, FTX_AU, FTXAA_HOLGERMESH get to the Scenery folder left click to hilite. click ok. and nothing. just sits there. I then click cancel then ok on the settings/ scenery library screen. It builds databases. I then go back to the scenery library, nothing has changed. I start again, Hilite (left click) OK, then just close the box, ok the click scenery library screen builds databases, no changes. ok again this time right click I get a windows right click menu screen ok and the same before no changes. I have even run the installer as administrator, have set the properties of the fsx directory to archive (not read only).

For the record I am not using any of the payware blue/gold (order numbers 7038 & 395 something) as my pc crashed and took the data with it, that why I am trying to rebuild FSX.

thanks for your patience and help

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Your almost there  ;) , you just need to highlight the FTXAA_HOLGERMESH folder not the Scenery folder that is inside

If you have lost your AU_BLUE/GOLD, you should be able to head over to the Flightsimstore and login to your account and re download them, if you have any issues with that just raise a support ticket with Adrian



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no joy  :( no matter what I do, it just doesn't want to load the mesh. But joy in the au gold/blue. I've downloaded them from the store (didn't know that you colud do that :) ) So i'll load them and see what happens. here's hoping.

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Hello Sweeper,

Now that you have Blue and Gold installed again you can just re-install the holgermesh and FTXCentral will add it for you, I don't know why your having so many issues, especially with Windows7

Please check you have UAC turned OFF, and you are running the .exe as an admin (right click on the .exe and select "run as admin")



@AndreaD, try re-installing, you should have 9 files in that folder

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Tim, I turned of UAC and reinstalled AU Blue & Gold this morning. Both went in without a hitch. Now tonight I will try the mesh again. Also noted that the blue & gold downloads are both "SP3" so my install routine is going to be:

(1) Blue, (2) Gold, (3) Mesh, (4) OzX3 (4) the freeware Airports. After all this is installed, a defrag and restart.

Then a look at the scenery library to sort out the orders, which still is Mesh, Landclass, Scenery?

Thanks for all of the help from all of the contributers, updates tonight :)


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Hi there Sweeper

FTXCentral will take care of the scenery order

So install BLUE>>GOLD>>HolgerMesh>>FTX_freeware airports>>SP3.001 patch>>ORBXLIBS patch, then fire up FSX have a quick look, then defrag

Fingers crossed ;D

@AndreaD, I was referring to Holgermesh for Australia



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