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John York

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Took off from Essenden.  That's almost as much a challenge to frame rates as YMML!  Anyway, thought you might like to see this pretty picture I took while testing out a couple of things on my new I7 920;

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Hope you like it.


Thank you ImageShack-faultless!

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Awesome John,

I just did a fresh install of FSX/FTX yesterday and without anything other than the SP3 DVD installed I was getting 30FPS, it was awesome to fly around Melbourne like that for the first time in ages, vanilla has its benefits! I reloaded everything else last night so it will be interesting to see what I get leaving YMEN again.

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Hi Johnny, great shot mate. Do you have a add-on Melbourne of some sort or is that just default FSX albeit with FTX? Also, the Payware YMML, does it include an improved Melbourne City or as I say is your shot just FSX default?



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Hi Dan

My shot is certainly FTX but I'm not sure if the payware Melbourne (which I also have) stretches that far.  In other words, I don't know what I'm looking at but whatever it is it looked pretty good to me! ;D

Thanks for the kind words Iain and Ryan

All the best


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Thanks Triston

My new I7-920 at default and with HT turned off gives me a quieter computer and a very slightly better performance than my old Q6600 that was overclocked to 2.87 GHz.  And, with all the control ikon items ticked in Melbourne and my usual Australian settings, flying the Piper Archer II I got a reasonable performance this morning with the frame rate never below 8.9.

I don't know if Turboboost is on.  If it is, I'll probably turn that off too.  If I can find it! ;D

I'm getting a new cooler to put in, and after that I may just try to overclock to 3GHz which will certainly do me and not give me a heat problem.

And this was the whole purpose of the excercise when I took the picture during a test flight.


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