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Unable to See ORBX Scenery

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Hi there,


what Orbx products do you have installed, please? I'm seeing Orbx textures and autogen in your screenshots but those could be from just Orbx Global Base plus openLC NA. Do you also have FTX Pacific Northwest installed?


Cheers, Holger

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Hi again,


you're not telling us what you are expecting to see but the content on the screen is definitely of a correctly installed Global Base plus openLC NA combination.


If your concern is the brownish tones then those are the local summer textures, given that the Pacific Northwest does tend to have dry summers; switching to April or May would show the greener spring textures.


If your concern is the platform at KFHR then that is due to an active third-party terrain mesh add-on as that overrides the "fake" blending included with the default mesh. Temporarily deactivating the mesh entry in your scenery lbrary menu should remove the visible platform. One of the features of FTX PNW is that is provides sloped flattens around airports like KFHR to fix those odd-looking trenches and plateaus. 


I've attached below a series of screenshots showing the differences with the various add-ons installed. The date was June 12; note that FTX PNW also includes a custom seasons control file that places green spring textures throughout June. Also, all default airports are further enhanced in PNW so KFHR looks different in the PNW screenshot as well.


Cheers, Holger

KFHR - default.jpg

KFHR - with Global Base.jpg

KFHR - with Global Base and openLC NA.jpg

KFHR - with Global Base, openLC NA, and PILOTS mesh.jpg

KFHR - with PNW.jpg

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Hi there,


it looks like some of the Orbx core files may have gotten replaced so I'd suggest running a "forced migration" through FTX Central: Settings > Tools > Force Migration.


As for the plateau at KFHR try unchecking the "FS Global Ultimate NG - North America" entry.


Cheers, Holger

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