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Flying the Cheyenne from YSTW to YPMQ

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To explore more of all those beautifully crafted airports along the west coast, I decided to bring the Cheyenne from French Polynesia to Tamworth. Don't know if that is possible, but at least it is a liverie from Oceania. So here is my trip report from Tamworth (YSTW) to Port Macquareie (YPMQ).

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The aircraft is still fully secured and serviced by external power while we do our flight preparations.

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Engine 1 just startung up while engine 2 is already running.

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The tower personell is watching us as we announce"Ready to taxi"

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Our four passengers had a last beer at that airport pub, but I guess you get that brand all along the coast.Let's see upon arrival.

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We have alittle wind from the north, so we have to taxi all the way to rwy 12L.

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The arriving Caravan has to wait while we continue our taxiroute.

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Finally we have arrived at the holding point and do the final checks.

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A last look to the left and confirm that no plane on final and then we go.

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Time to get the gear in while we pass the airport terminal.

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Engines set to climb and time to do our left turn for our 90° track towards PMQ NDB.

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We have choosen to do a gently climb and can enjoy the beautiful countryside.

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The Cheyenne with its mighty turboprop is not the best sightseeing plane ;-)

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Luckily our passengers have a better view.

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Seven minutes into the flight we are close to 10'000 feet and just need to check the engines settings.

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Further east the weather got worse and we had to enter a weather font just over the coastline.

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Pretty dense in front of us while we cruise at 17'000 feet, again having set the engines now to cruise settings.

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About 10 minutes before PMQ we started our descent to reach about 5000 feet for our approach along the shore.

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We have programmed the GPS with the RNAV data for rwy 21.

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Well we can see at least a bit from the countryside, so it should be fine for a good IFR approach.

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Heading to PMG we are now close to the destination airfield and prepare to make a left turn for a right hand downwind via PMQNI.

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The GPS is indication that we are almost there. Pretty much gray outside.

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With a target altitude of 3300 ft at PMQNI we just drop out of the clouds.

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Our waypoint for the 180° turn to the right is just ahead of us - the sandy beach.

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Her we go with HDG set for the runway 21.

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Out of the turn we now intercept the final track. The airport is just left of the wiper arm.

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Gently we turn versus the runway and it look like this is a nice place to live!

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Just dropping flaps to full to reduce to blue line.

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What a nice view on final. Love it!

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Cleared to land!

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We continue on the runway to exit Alpha to arrive directly at the terminal.

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After landing checks and all space for us.

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All clear on the right side.

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Another u-turn and we are there.

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Pretty cool that big palm tree. Wonder what it is called?

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At our parking position.

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An every one left with his luggage.

Hope you enjoyed the journey! Off for a beer!

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Thanks for the tip on the Aussie repaint. Decided to get the BHP - nice excecutive look, simmilar to the Swiss XLII. Happy to see that others enjoy our Cheyenne in Australia. I did not find an authentic livery on the web, so I took that Plynesian for that flight, but gonna chenge now, but I guess even one of our US reg would do for a while if one wants to fly down under ;-)

Looking forward to an upgrade of YPMQ, though it is great already.

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