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Problem Installing Boxed SAK 1.0


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Ran the installer on the Southern Alaska DVD for FSX in Windows 7 Pro.  FTX Central v3 recognizes it and shows an available update.  Trying to download and install the update brings up two error boxes.

(1) "You don't have a license for this product in your OrbxDirect Account.  If you haven't yet transferred your licenses from FSS, etc."  But this DVD was purchased from PCAviator.  So how do I enter my license info?

(2)  "An unexpected error occurred.  Please send Orbx staff the %LocalAppData%\Orbx\ftxc3.log."  FTX Central then crashes.  Extensive searches have turned up no such log file.


I would welcome any suggestions.



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We're still working on getting a system in place to upgrade old DVDs to OrbxDirect. This will be a fee-based transfer to cover admin cost, as previously offered via the FlightSimStore.

We should have this up and running very soon. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/123619-orbxdirect-and-ftx-central-v3-offical-faq/

Updates are also available here http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/125638-updates-from-old-website-support-pagedvd-customers/



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Looks like I will have to wait.  The manual update option also requires the license info.


BTW, it turns out the updates are not cumulative.  SP4 requires SP3 first, according to the instructions.


Thanks, Richard.  Appreciate your prompt replies.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay replying, Nick.  Had to deal with some more pressing life issues.


Tried again to update the DVD installation in FTXCentral v3, pointing it to a manually downloaded copy of FTXNASAK005.zip.


And again get the message "You don't have a license for this product in your OrbxDirect Account.  If you haven't yet transferred your licenses from FSS, etc."


But the DVD was purchased from PCAviator.  So how do I get past what appears to be a license check by the update installer?



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Problem solved.  Found the legacy support page and installed directly from the .exe files, without using FTX Central.



As SP5 does not state whether it is cumulative, I updated first to SP3, then 4 and 5.  Success!



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