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P3D strange square Textures

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I've got a problem with the default textures in P3D version 3

After a clean install the textures look like the first picture below

But as soon as the Orbx Library files are installed they change to picture 2


This strange square edging of the textures is the same the world on certain LC tiles. see third picture.


I have tried the following

1. Fresh install of P3D followed by PNW scenery then Orbx Libraries. Every time the same problem happens as soon as any Orbx scenery is installed AND THEN the library files.


With just PNW or England or Scotland installed no problem with the default scenery in other locations but ss soon as the ORBX Libraries are installed then the strange square edging happens.


2. I have deleted all the hidden orbx files in Appdata and Programdata, resinstalled fresh and still the same problem.


3. Deleting the terrain.cfg - no change after rebuild of file by p3d and then also by FTX Central


4. Reordering the scenery.cfg file - no difference


5. Different display settings (Usually all maxed out)  - still no difference


6. Forced migration after each new attempt to fix



My conclusions so far are:

This is not caused by third party scenery because nothing else was installed

This is not some left over config issue because all the files were completely removed

This is only occurs when the orbx library files are installed and updated in FTX Central


I would really appreciate some help, I really love the ORBX scenery but this is making flying in other parts of the world unpleasant.









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Hello Paul.


As you don't have the Steam Edition, it still maybe worth a look under FSX STEAM EDITION a little further down the page.


There is a posting under 'Nick Cooper' called black squares.  Nick in one of a number of very knowledgeable moderators. that we are lucky to have. It  may work for you, I hope so for items 1 and 2. that you posted.  Sorry the third problem I cannot help you with but as I say one of the moderators will help you very quickly.


Good luck.


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Hi Paul,


that looks like an issue with the blendmask files. The Orbx version of the global landclass control file unlocks additional blendmasks, seasonal variants, etc. that don't exist in the default landclass texture set (but do in Global Base). Installing the Orbx Libraries and running FTX Central will activate our landclass control file but it should also run some background processes that creates additional blendmasks not present in the global default textures. If that doesn't work for you, and even a forced migration doesn't fix it, then either the blendmask files are corrupt or there's an access permission issue that prevents those files from being generated.


The folder containing the default landclass textures, including blendmasks, is \Scenery\World\texture. If you search for *2m1* in that folder, how many files are listed? The default version has about 240 blendmask files but with our additional ones the number should be >800.


Do you also see texture morphing in those areas, meaning randomly changing ground textures while you fly across the area? 


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,


Thank you so much for the help.


I get a return of 633 items with that search in that folder.


I don't see any texture morphing, at least I can't say it is obvious. The ground texture seem to the correct ones just not blended.


As far as I can tell it is two textures in particular: a dark green trees texture and a sandy texture. Both seem to not blend.


This may be connected or not, but on a flight across Japan today I noticed some odd tiles in Osaka. This may simply be a problem with P3d but it is a of a similar nature.

Picture attached.







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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just installed the new ORBX Scenery libs and and then done a forced migration and wahooo - the problem is fixed.


Thank you very much for getting on top of this and sorting it out.


A very happy simmer.


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