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Misplaced 3D objects in the simulator

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There are numerous areas within P3D (FSX ?) that have  misplaced 3D objects in the simulator. This occurs with Vector installed and affects especially coastal areas that Vector has defined more accurately than the default coastlines within the sim, resulting in buildings in the water or half in half out. The response to these anomalies is contained within the title of this post. Is there no way that these anomalies can be rectified as they are a game spoiler.

It is all very well defining coastlines to their more accurate placing but at the expense of disrupting the placement of default buildings seems to me to be ................ unfinished. I am sure there are technical reasons for this, maybe you can't change some default 3D buildings locations for legal, technical or other reasons. I do know that another product, although not worldwide in coverage, does make the effort to redraw the 3D objects to fit in with their vector type data along coasts and no building appear in the water.

Could not some effort be made to rectify this scenario in Vector.

 I for one would be more than willing to highlight areas in which I see this anomaly so that the Vector developer could take a look at it.

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I mostly agree. But as far as I've seen, this is for not seperately available sceneries as England, Norway, GEN, or the US countrysides.
I find those issues mostly in Asia, Africa or South America. My favourite: Cairo. With Vector lots of buildings are located in the middle of the river Nile.

So this is worth to be overhauled at all.
(Right after the development of the more important things like GES ;-) ) 

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Thanks for your input. I am referring to areas of the world that are governed by Vector, not full fat regions which contain separate and individual data for vector, mesh, landclass etc. Vector and in fact OLCs can be disabled if you want when flying only within a FTX Region.

There is a big area of the rest of the world that Vector influences. Only full fat region addons remove the anomalies I am referring to. OLCs do not. Take a look at Havana for example with OLC NA and Vector and there are buildings in the water.  Install the "other" product which has been refined, and the same Havana has no buildings in the water.I am only mentioning one example but there are countless one's around coastal areas of the world (Global)

Regarding other products like GES, these are Orbx/FTX addons. Vector is not an Orbx product, only sold by Orbx for another developer so not really an Orbx problem.

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In Addition: I've got very good experiences with Scenery Tech's Landclass Asia. In my opinion absolutely woth the money as long as ORBX doesn't focus Asia as "full fat".

The pic shows Beruwala (Sri Lanka) with STLC Asia comparing with Google Earth.


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