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London missing from Orbx England

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Hi hoping someone can help me..


The other day I downloaded and installed Orbx England seeing as it was on offer and I was a bit bored of the dull bland colours of Just Flight VFR. Today is the first day I've actually been able to test it and despite it looking brilliant and making low level VFR more interesting I am missing certain things..




As you can see I took off from London City but sadly there's no London, there's only standard FSX autogen buildings over the area. I've also noticed the same at the Dartford Crossing where the QE2 Bridge should be, there's AI cars crossing over the Thames where the bridge should be but they just drive over air. For the life of me I can't find any lighthouses either despite me flying all over Eastbourne.Also There's random autogen over certain airports like this also seen at London City.


As I've mentioned, I used to use Just Flight VFR and Revolution X but I've now removed these from my system and the Orbx sceneries are installed into the scenery library and moved their priority down to below that of my addon scenery. I've also tweaked my settings to exactly match those that are recommended in the readme. I've also run the update that was available on FTX-Central and I've also migrated my system. I don't know if maybe I've missed some files because I only had the following:






Am I missing the files numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4 or is this usual? Scenery has never been my strongpoint :huh: I'd really appreciate any help..





Receipt: 590f44dfdeb47

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