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FSX Crashing after installing Orbx


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Where do I start as I am quite disappointed at the moment.  I have been running FSX with GEX and UTX for the past few years with very few crashes these past years.  Today I decided to go all out, after a huge amount of research, and switch to Orbx.  So I did the following; 1. Uninstalled, GEX and UTX and then installed the following through GTX Central in this order; 1. the ORBX Libraries, 2. FTX Global Base Pack, 3. FTX Global Vector, 4. FTX Global openLC Europe and finally, 5. EU Scotland.  At each stage I fired up FSX just to check that all was working, but each time I just used the default Bell Helicopter.  My frame rates are very high, never lower that 30fps.  As I live in Inverness, Scotland I have the Inverness Airport from Aerosoft, SIM720_EGPE.  Now after installing EU Scotland my airport disappeared, so I went into the scenery library and discovered that is had been pushed down the order so I moved it to the top which gave me my airport back.


So I fired up FSX and this time I selected the PMDG Jetstream 4100 and took off from Inverness and flew down Lochness, round Ben Nevis, just to admire the scenery, and then back towards Inverness.  A few minutes after leaving Ben Nevis FSX stopped working for no apparent reason and no OOM.  I run a small program that keeps and eye on the VAS usage.  So I shut down FSX and then fire it up again at Inverness.  This time I loaded in PMDGs 777 and planned to fly along the coast to Aberdeen, which I have done many times in the past with no problems.  Now, as I was programming the FMC I noticed that the VAS usage was increasing to as high as 3.3GB, which was rather worrying and it did not crash FSX.  So I proceeded to take off and the VAS dropped to 2.9 and at 4000 feet in dropped again to 2.8.  However, about 3 minutes after take off FSX crashed with the VAS at 2.7GB.  I tried it all over again with exactly the same result, a FSX crash.


Here is the spec of my machine;


  • Cooler Master Cosmos II Computer Case
  • Asus X99 Deluxe Intel LGA 2011 V3 ATX Motherboard
  • Intel i7 5960X Extreme Octa Core CPU Processor (3.0 GHz, 20 MB Cache, 140 W, Socket 2011-V3), Overclocked to 4.2GHz
  • Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB (4x 8GB) DDR4 2400Mhz CL14 XMP 2.0 Memory
  • Samsung 850 PRO 512 GB 2.5 inch SATA III Solid State Drive
  • Corsair CW-9060016-WW Hydro Series H105 240mm Rad Extreme Performance All-In-One Liquid CPU Cooler
  • PNY Graphics Card NVIDIA QUADRO K4200 4GB DDR5
  • Corsair CP-9020090-UK RM550X 550 W ATX/EPS Fully Modular Power Supply Unit


I have done all the usual tweaks in the FSX.XFG file, I have attached this file for you to see.
Please can you help with this problem so that I can enjoy the SIM again and especially with you fantastic scenery.
Many thanks

Eddie's fsx.CFG

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Where do I find this error log and what am I looking for.  Also, it is so interesting that as soon as I install ORBX software I suddenly start having problems.  The problems are becoming even more serious as the landscape is not filling in properly.  I wished I could send you a FS recording of what I am now having to put up with.  EU Scotland started off good but now my scenery is worse than even FSX default and that is with all your products installed, Libraries, Base Pack, Vector, Europe Land class and finally EU Scotland.


Anyway, if you guide me to the LOG and what to look for then I will do what I can to retain this add on.


Many thanks


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Hi Nick,


Thank you for your reply.  However, I am not sure if your understood the problem I am having.  There is nothing wrong with my Windows, the error or crash was unique to FSX.  It was not a OOM caused by VAS it was a pure and simple a crash caused by the Orbx add-ons.  Now why do I say this.  Since you last contacted me I have been constantly working on this problem, something I wished the Orbx support would have been doing also.


Now how do I know it was the Orbx software.  1.  Before I installed Orbx products I had absolutely no crashes with FSX and I enjoyed 100s of hours of flying long and short journeys, with PMDGs 737, 777 and their new 747, to and from Fly Tampa airports, which everyone knows they are tough on VAS useage. and 2. The moment I begun the install of Orbx I get an error of two library files missing every time I start FSX, Area 124 and Area 125, something I never had prior to Orbx install. and 3. This one is the result of my latest experiment which I think may nail the problem. 


As you know I did the following 1. Installed the ORBX Libraries, 2. FTX Global Base Pack, 3. FTX Global Vector, 4. FTX Global openLC Europe and finally, 5. EU Scotland.  So I decided to reverse this process.  I went into FSX libraries and unticked all the libraries relating to EU Scotland to see if this was causing the problem.  Now before I did this I set up a flight, using the PMDG 737 NGX, from Inverness EGPE to Edinburgh EGPH departing at 4pm with FSX basic clouds.  Five minutes into the flight FSX crashed, not Windows, FSX, there is a difference. 


Now to experiment 2.  With EU Scotland disabled as described above and the exact same flight and route, 25 minutes later from take off I landed successfully at Edinburgh airport, taxied to the gate, shut down and let GSX take over.  During the flight at 12,000 feet and on the climb and decent I tried to crash FSX by changing the view a lot, but NO crash.  I am about to fly from Inverness again to Gatwick EGKK and land on a UK2000 Airport, Gatwick, as another test without EU Scotland enabled and then reverse the flight.  This is a flight I have done many times when UTX and GEX were installed and not once did FSX crash.


This is no coincidence so far but I am still experimenting and will not be convinced until I have completed the above flights but is looking like EU Scotland may be the cause, which in some sense is good as this is all I may need to get rid of and ask for a refund on, unless Orbx have a solution.  What it does mean is that I would be very sceptical about buying any more add-ons from Orbx as I may have the same problem.  I had planned to purchase Wales, Ireland and England but that is definitely on hold.  I also have my eye on a few others, especially Innsbruck, but not until I can get a more technical and scientific answer to the problem than, sorry to say this, the Windows Error Log, which I still cannot find on my system.  Your link could take me to all sorts of danger for my machine, namely the links to recommended "Fix Your PC".  There was nothing in your answer that could take me to the file you were talking about.  Anyway, this is not the problem.  I have been using FSX not for the last 8 years and I have came across all sorts of error messages.  More importantly I have been using operating systems since CPM and DOS 2.0 so I know what a Windows error is.  I have never had a windows error or crash in Windows 7 64bit or Windows 10 64bit.  Windows 10 64bit is my current operating system with Direct X 12.


If you cannot help me can you please ask someone who can, for example John Venema or a developer.  I am sure John Venema will want me to purchase more software from his company, or your company as I am not sure if you are a shareholder.  I hope we can solve this problem in more than just three words,  Windows Error Log.


Many thanks


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Hello Eddie,


I try very hard not to post links to dubious sites and have not yet done so.


It would appear that you have misunderstood my request.


It is a simple request but the result may be very helpful in determining the cause of the FSX application error.


If you type "error" into the Windows 10 search box, the top result is View Event logs.

Click on that and you will see this sort of thing.




Please scroll down the error events until you reach the ones for FSX and report what the log says is the cause of the error.

Thank you.

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Hi Nick,


Thank you for your answer, if only you gave me this answer first it may have saved a bit of time as I have been working on this for near 24 hours.  Anyway I did a test flight from Gatwick to Inverness this time using the PMDG 777 with no problems and EU Scotland disabled.


Now to what you are saying and after reading many user groups it appears that a particular file may be causing this, which mean I may not be able to use ORBX products, well at least EU Scotland type add-ons.


Here is a quote from a user on AVSIM:


"Pete Dowson incl. the help of many, has found a solution (or better said "crash prevention") for some g3d.dll errors/crashes many are experiencing.


The common sceneries causing this are Aerosoft EBBR, EDDF, ESSA, LOWI and generally ORBX area. It has been confirmed by already couple of persons that the crashes don't any more occur. Even hard test-configurations where users were having certain crashes have passed."


I only have ORBX installed from the list above;


Here is one of the error log details:


Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61472.0, time stamp: 0x475e17d3
Faulting module name: g3d.dll, version: 10.0.61472.0, time stamp: 0x475e180c
Exception code: 0xc0000005


I think if this is the cause then why does the sim run perfectly ok when EU Scotland is disabled.  If the G3D.DLL is the cause then we as customers maybe should be warned before purchasing Orbx products.  It seems that if this is the problem then I am stuck as my installation of FSX will be to blamed and I will be out of pocket for a piece of software that I cannot use.  You will gather that I am really annoyed at this now and I should have stuck with GEX and UTX.  However, without EU Scotland the ground environment and coastlines look stunning.  Cities from the air also look like the real thing, so I am reluctant to give up and I still like the look of many of the Orbx sceneries.  When I was flying over Inverness it looked amazing.  One this I did do as well as disabling EU Scotland I disabled everything in the Orbx Control Panel by unticking all the boxes before my test flight.


Where do I go from here as I have put a lot of time and energy into this.  I must have read loads of user groups waiting for replies from Orbx, which did help a little.


Anyway I look forward to hearing from you again.



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if only you gave me this answer first it may have saved a bit of time


The answer was in the link that you apparently were unwilling to open.


You might try installing FSIUPC which includes a fix for some g3d.dll errors.

The unregistered version is all that is required.

Running FSX successfully under Windows 10 also requires the UIAutomationCore.dll fix

and for fsx.exe to be run as an administrator.

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I was just about to type the answer and you popped up Nick.

One solution, been around for years if you have FSIUPC installed, is to delete FSUIPC4.ini and let the sim build another.

Sure solved my problem with my PMDG 777. Could only fly it for 15 minutes then a crash to desk top.


I think Eddie must have FSIUPC installed as he has PMDG's 777, it is a requirement.


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Hi again Nick and thanks Chris,


It seems I may have hit an end to the support on this subject as it seems to be add-ons that are the cause, in particular Orbx EU Scotland.  My own test prove this fact.  When EU Scotland is installed FSX crashes, when it is disabled it does not crash, this is simple science.  Also, before I read your answers above this seems to be the general consensus on how to solve this issue, install FSUIPC, which I will consider doing, something that Froogle does recommend.  Nick, with regards to UIAutomationCore.dll I have been using this for years now.  It is even in the FSX installation folder when I have to do a fresh install of FSX, to remind me to place it in after the FSX installation.  Yes Chris, I have successfully flown the PMDG 777 around the globe many times without any FSX crashes and without FSIUPC installed.  I have always run FSX as Administrator as I do with software like Adobe Premier CC and Encore in my professional capacity as a video editor.  I have been through every conceivable tweak with FSX to make it run to it's best.  At 10,000 feet I can achieve 160 fps, even with all the base Orbx products installed and flying the 737 or 777.  However, on approach to a pay-ware airports this can drop to 25-50 fps, like UK2000 Gatwick.


Nick I am very careful about opening any links no matter who they come from as I infected this new machine build very early on with Malware, which I could not remove.  Thankfully this was early in the build so I completely reformatted and started all over again as this is my work PC also.  I am a wedding videographer and photographer.  FSX is installed on a separate SSD, the Sandisk Pro, which has it's own Windows 10 copy.  I switch drives via the Bios as Asus provide a fantastic desktop tool to allow me to boot directly to the bios.


To be honest, I do not see a great deal of difference installing EU Scotland over what I have already installed, namely FTX Global, Vector and openLC Europe.  The one big difference I did notice with openLC Europe is that it placed houses on top of Ben Nevis in Scotland when there are definitely none.  It also placed loads of trees on the the Ben and there are none.  EU Scotland removed all of this, which was very good, but to be fare, GEX had this spot on in the first place.  I am not going to ask for a refund for EU Scotland as I may install FSUIPC as this may also solve the well known issues with programming the Saitek Yoke that I have, as there own software is rubbish as it just suddenly stops working.


I am seriously thinking of abandoning FSX altogether and moving over to X-Plane 11 or wait for FSW to be completed by Dovetail, which means I would not require Orbx. Although I did hear that Orbx may be working with Dovetail, this came directly from John Venaman himself on YouTube.  However, I have invested huge sums of money in FSX, with all the Add-ons, etc.


Now, can I turn your attention back to the other problem that has not been mentioned again.  This is about the two library files missing every time I start FSX, Area 124 and Area 125.  This only appeared when I begun the install of Orbx software.  Do you have any ideas on this, Nick or Chris.


I do wish I had never touched Orbx and stayed with UTX and GEX as the SIM was running perfectly.  However, flying out of London Gatwick last night on one of my test flights was just simply amazing.  Looking down at the towns and city of London was unbelievably amazing and even looks like some of the real video footage I shot flying from London to Inverness.  I will say this Nick, the visual bling of Global, Vector and openLC Europe together is just fantastic.  My radius setting is currently 4.5, which I may increase slightly to increase the range to what my eyesight would see in the real world using the videos I have shot. 


Anyway Guys, I must wind this up and hope you have an answer about the missing library files and thanks for helping me bring the EU Scotland to a conclusion.  I will let you know if I install FSIUPC and then EU Scotland, which I probably will as I would like more Orbx products, which are much better than UTX or GEX.


Many thanks



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Can you have a look at your scenery library and see what those areas are please?

Generally, that type of message means that there is a library entry but there are no files

at the destination specified.

Depending on what they are, the solution is either to replace the files or to delete the library entry.

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Hi Nick,


Thanks for the reply.  Great minds think alike as this was the first thing I checked.  They do not even exist in the Library or even the scenery folder in my FSX directory.  Is there a CFG file I can edit to remove them and stop the error.


Using your link I have installed FSIUPC but just the unregistered version, for the moment, will this be enough for the g3d.dll problem.


Finally, I decided to have a bit of sim time flying around the channel islands and Orbx is just fantastic.  The lights at night are unbelievable, just like X-Plane 11.


Many thanks Nick and thank you for all your time and sorry if I was a bit off as I was a little frustrated at the start.


Yes, a short reply!!



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Hello Eddie,


You can go to C:\programdata\Microsoft\FSX and open the scenery.cfg file with notepad.

You should be able to find the two areas, check that they do refer to the missing files and

delete the entries for them.

The unregistered version of FSUIPC is indeed enough to prevent the g3d.dll problem.

I am pleased to read that you have managed to eliminate at least some of your problems

and enjoy the scenery as it is meant to be enjoyed.

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Hi Nick,


Good call, however Area.124 and Area.125 do not exist in the Scenery.cfg file, which is a mystery.  I wonder where else it is coming from.  Many thanks for the FSUIPC tip.  I have enabled EU Scotland again and will try out the same test again with the 737 NGX.  Coastlines are something else with this software.  I wished someone was able to break into FSX and convert it into a 64bit application, now that would be something,


Anyway Nick, many thanks.  I will see if I can trawl the net to solve the Area problems.



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Eddie, Download a copy of Scenery Config Editor here https://sourceforge.net/projects/fs-sceditor/  and run it.

I have been using this tool for years.  It will find the errors in your scenery config file and most time it will fix the errors automatically.  There is a text editor built in as well, so you can manually repair errors.  The text editor will take you right to where the error is and highlight it in red.

You can read about the tool here  http://fs-sceditor.sourceforge.net/ and select a topic in the left hand panel.


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Hi Chris,


Funny you should mention this Editor as I already had it in my FSX re-install folder, which I forgot to install.  I keep a folder with all my related programs for FSX should I wish to re-install, for example PMDG products, FlyTampa airports, and tools, etc.  So, thank you so much for the reminder and for the link to the latest version, which I downloaded and installed.


Now did it fix the problem and what was the cause.


Yes the problem has been resolved.  The exact error message was "Scenery\UtcVeg\SCENERY in Area.124 not found" and "Scenery\UtcVeg\SCENERY in Area.125 not found".  This I believe was referring to UTX files, they could not have been removed properly by the UTX uninstaller.  The Scenery configurator picked them up, which I simply deleted them, and this stopped the error messages when launching FSX.


The Scenery Config tool also placed red triangles against multiple entries of FlyTampa Libraries, seven to be exact.  Martin of FlyTampa simple said to another user delete the other six, which could be done from the Config tool or within FSX itself.  So area 124 and 125 not found was not the fault of Orbx but the UTX uninstaller, but very easily sorted thanks to you Chris and Nick.


My CONCLUSION to the original problem, which was FSX Crashing after Installing Orbx.


  1. ORBX was not totally at fault as my research into this seems to be FSX, as it can have problems with any Add-ons.  Nick, who has been great and Chris very helpful, brought me to the attention of the file "g3d.dll", which could be at the heart of the problem.  I have yet to test this fully with a few Scottish flights on the PMDG 737 NGX, as the FSX crashes only happened when I added the more detailed ORBX EU Scotland module.  To solve the g3d.dll problem nick suggested that I install the FSUIPC program, which I have.  I will report back when I have completed the exact same tests that crashed FSX before.  A few things that must also be done after a fresh install of FSX is to add the file UIAutomationCore.dll to the FSX root folder.  Also HIGHMEMFIX=1 needs to be added to the fsx.CFG file.  I forgot about both when I re-installed FSX a few months ago, which I swiftly remedied within a few days of the new installation.
  2. Area.124 and Area.125 not found when launching FSX was simply down to UTX files not being completely removed from FSX, nothing to do with ORBX products, sorry Nick and ORBX.  The Scenery Config tool swiftly picked this up and the DELETE button solved the problem.

I am now looking at more ORBX products in particular some of the airports and then the ultimate airport LOWI, Innsbruck.  I also intend to grab Fraps and make some videos showing the beauty of the scenery.  I hovered about buying FTX Global Vector, please don't, what a difference it makes, especially the wonderful coastlines. 


It is now time to stop writing long responses and get flying and create some nice YouTube videos.


Thank you so very much NICK and CHRIS for all your help and guidance and for jogging my memory with certain things.



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