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PSXseeconTraffic - a new live traffic tool


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I opened this thread as I was asked about this tool in another topic where it didn't fit though






is a new tool provided by Nico Kaan for producing live traffic instead of (more or less artificially intelligent) tools like internal Prepar3d traffic or the one provided by MyTraffic, Ultimate Traffic, and the like. It replaces them and cannot be used in parallel to them (or any other traffic generator, if that matters).  PSXseeconTraffic itself is freeware but requires a subscription of Real Traffic for PSX 




which is very low-cost (10 $/year) payware. There is a 10 min demo available for the latter.


PSXseeconTraffic is available for Prepar3d now but is said to become available for FSX later. I became aware of it via a longish thread at AVSIM




which might be a bit unorganized and overwhelming to make fun reading, though.


First of all: Installation is not for the beginner. You have been warned! It involves a number of tools to interwork. There is a manual available which - in my mind - is very thoroughly written. I followed it to the point and got it working pretty quickly. However, I am afraid you can got lost without some background on the Prepar3d order structure, simobjects.cfg, or Simconnect. And, yes, you can install PSXseeconTraffic  as well as the the injector Real Traffic both on a laptop (that's what I actually did).


Having been asked for my opinion, I find the result simply stunning. You will get Real Traffic as it is in real time (correctly 30 s delay for processing) surrounding you. The planes are being mapped to the liveries you have available (to be chosen among UT2, MT6, WOAI, or others) according to a best fit algorithm. Naturally, this approach has a few downsides, e.g. planes just switch off their transponders on ground, thus the real traffic injector can no longer inject their trace on ground. However, the in-the-air behavior has been augmented by a number of plausible routines for behavior on ground. Notably, the program package includes a ParkPosGenerator telling PSXseeconTraffic about your installed airports and their gates/ramps.


I had been using UT2 and MT6 before but had to choose quite limited traffic settings to not get inadmissible fps. Using PSXseeconTraffic, I get the real thing, i.e., ALL planes around at, say, KSFO, and that's quite a huge number. Not something someone made a more or less proper flight plan for, but the real traffic as of today. Naturally, there is no way to limit the number, as this is, well, just real life traffic.


Framerate with that number of planes would be tanked in UT2 or even more MT6. Now, while the author and several others state there is virtually no fps hit at all, I can't quite confirm this. Taking KFSO as an example, I have fps limited to 30 by my monitor frequency which I can keep on an empty airport (FB KSFO surrounded by ORBX NCA). Using UT2 liveries for PSXseeconTraffic this is lowered to ~26, using MT6 liveries to ~23, and using WOAI liveries to ~20. As I said, others don't see an fps hit, but that's my present result. Well possible there is some way for optimization. In exchange for this I get an airport with full real traffic, though. Framerate quickly approaches the 30 after leaving the airport. This is heaven for plane spotting, of course.


You may keep in mind one downside: There's naturally no or low traffic where its real-world counterpart is missing, i.e. at smaller airports and (locally!) at night. I also have to look closer upon GA traffic which I don't find as convincing as airliners yet.


I should mention that Flight1 seems to be working on something similar called Ultimate Traffic Live being in beta right now.


Finally, please bear with me: I will not be able to provide support or go into any detail, even less in this place, as this tool isn't made by ORBX. I just wanted to introduce it being asked for it. Please ask at the AVSIM forum above or the author's own support forum under




Kind regards, Michael

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I've been using this - as Michael says, its a bit of a sod to set up correctly.  It works though, but only shows the 7 nearest aircraft to you in flight - but shows most aircraft parked at an airport.  Took me ages to set up, and it needs careful thought.  You still get strange anomalies with aircraft sometimes apperaing sideways.  And you have to take out a $10 subscription to the live traffic feeder.  As a first attempt, it has got potential, but it isn't an alternative yet to traffic in our sim.  I'm using P3D v3.4 and Windows 10.  Just my personal view so far...



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4 hours ago, Torchy821 said:

  It works though, but only shows the 7 nearest aircraft to you in flight - . Kev

Hi  Kev,

That's not correct, the number of live aircraft injected in P3D/FSX is not limited, it can go up to 250 aircraft!

How many are visible near you is the same as in real live. How many you see on your TCAS depends on your user Aircraft and your TCAS settings. 

Nico Kaan

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11 hours ago, pmb said:

It involves a number of tools to interwork.


Sounds attractive to me, but that bit of info makes me run for the hills. I can't imagine tweaking traffic the way I tweak graphics.


At that point, I would simply own a very expensive Tweaking Simulator.



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  • 2 months later...

Just installed it.


Including downloading all liveries from avsim (there is a program to do it) and manually fixing them it takes about 3-4h of honest work, so no big deal. Documentation is well done and whole process (however complex and multi-step) worked perfectly from first attempt.

My filling about it is however mixed - not because of the program, but general limitations of technology:

 - You need to have up-to-date airports (and I mean it) including aprons and all taxiways, otherwise You'll see planes taxi on grass.

 - It's funny that You can tell that some airplanes have old IRS on-board and just completed long flight: they are landing beside the runways (due to IRS drift I suppose)

 - There is quite a big FPS hit in major airports during peak hours: EGLL at 5pm I went down from 40fps to ~25fps (7600K@5gHz 16GB RAM 1080GTX OC). Excluding major airports (where You don't spent that much time anyway) fps hit is non-existant.

 - I'm not sure how to use it yet in my IFR training... I'm not sure if ATC will that those guys into account (like x-life for XP11) while giving your clearance for taxi or takeoff. I don't know if FSX will alter their behavior based on your presence. Lot of questions...


One think I can tell for sure - it's worth to try and to see. Effect is stunning! 30min per day you get in free version goes by quickly :)



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