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OpenLC NA Blurries

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I've been having issues with OpenLC NA causing blurries in my sim. The textures load in fine while parked at the gate but as soon as I'm airborne it's not long before everything is a fuzzy mess. My sim runs perfectly fine with only Global installed. I can post a screenshot, but I'm sure most of you are well aware of what the blurries look like. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it many times and done tons of .cfg tweaking and so far all have been unsuccessful.

For scenery, I currently run just Global Base with FSX:SE. 


My system specs:

Windows 10

i5 4690k @ 4.38Ghz

GTX 960


Sim installed on:

WD Black 1TB HDD

OS installed on

Evo 250GB SSD


I should have no problem running the sim the way I do with these specs.


I've also attached my current fsx.cfg 


Any help is immensely appreciated since OpenLC looks fantastic and I'm so disappointed it doesn't work properly on my system. 



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 The first thing that comes to my mind is you mentioning ton's of tweaks to the cfg.. Try starting with a fresh cfg as it's all so common that messing with it will more often create more negative side effects than it does actually fixing things.

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If you do a search for "Blurries" or "Blurred textures" I think you will find a lot of different very helpful solutions here and on any flight sim forum and almost none of them are caused by a specific product, but I would highly recommend you do the searches and read about them. :)


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Believe me, I've searched up and down about this topic and tried many solutions, even creating a symlink to orbx files installed on an SSD. I'd like to reiterate that I only get blurries when OpenLC NA is installed. I've been simming since the FS9 days, and troubleshooting since then. However, this issue is one I can't seem to fix and support forums are usually my last resort as after all they created the product and know the most about it. 

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Thanks :)  It doesn't matter, no one has a chance at fixing blurries without asking tons of questions to get as much info as possible, especially on the forums.


How is your  WD Black 1TB HDD connected to your system?


Have you tried deactivating (unchecking in your scenery library) all your other addon scenery with OpenLC installed?


You may want to install OpenLC and just deactivate it in your scenery library for trouble shooting purposes? That way you can activate or deactivate on the fly....



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The hard drive is plugged into the motherboard's SATA 6GB/s via SATA cable. I have not tried installing it and deactivating it yet, I'll give that a try. What scenery entries represent OpenLC? All of the orbx ones? I haven't noticed much of a difference in the scenery library after installing OpenLC in the past. Thanks.

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