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Fs Passengers

John York

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lol The original FsP has a voice as default called Sharon P. who is my better half, the second version for FSX does have her in it but not as the default voice, just to make things different, did some other stuff with Dan as well, generally good fun project.

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I found it to be one of the best add-ons I've bought in quite a while.

It adds a degree of realism to the sim, by adding paid flights and you running your own airline.

There is a fantastic demo that is fully functional and I tried it before I bought and was so impressed I went back that night and bought it.

I don't care who owns it or who made it, it's just a bloody good addition to my sim life. In my opinion, it's right up there with ORBX, REX and some of the new can't live without aircraft.


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Another vote for FsPassengers here.

I would say there are areas it could be improved but overall it does what I really wanted for FSX, and that was basically to give some kind of point as such to the flights I make. Actually without going off too much on a tangent here it really is the various add-ons I have purchased that have made FSX for me. Before I would use FSX for a few days but quickly find I would get bored of flying for seemingly little purpose, a few add-ons later and quite simply I've not put it down and I think FsPassengers has played a very big part in this for me because as I said it really gives purpose to your flights and also makes fly better IMO. I'm also tempted to get Air Hauler by Just Flight that seems quite interesting and would give a differet element of purpose to flights - any opinions on this add-on?

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...I'm also tempted to get Air Hauler by Just Flight that seems quite interesting and would give a differet element of purpose to flights - any opinions on this add-on?

I own and enjoy both add-ons. As you say, they are similar in the way they provide you with a purpose and also help you pay more attention to certain tasks about flying that otherwise you might overlook (good procedures, fuel management, maintenance cost...) but in my case Air Hauler fits my needs better than FsP thanks to a couple of features:

It doesn't carry a penalty for pausing or accelerating FSX. This is crucial when you can't have the luxury of sitting in front of the PC for a long while *without interruptions*.

It provides you with an endless supply of flights to choose from, great way to discover new places in FTX land. No need to spend time looking for places and planning the flight, although you can do so if that's what you're looking for.

It has one serious drawback, though. It will seriously affect your buying habits when it comes to new planes: how much they can carry and how far become extremely serious considerations. And I have a Quest Kodiak and a Twin Otter that never ever crossed my mind as likely purchases to prove my point.

And finally, when it comes to our simming addiction, the best route is to indulge yourself and get both. You'll find a lot to like and will find yourself in places you never thought you would fly to (but always in FTX-Australia, of course!)

Best regards,

Juan Andres

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Hi Guys,

in regards to this Fs Passengers demo, just downloaded it and it will only let me fly out of KSFO, fair enough for the demo, after purchase can I fly out of Melb or Sydney or any Aussie airport?  or is it just for USA?

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Hi Guys,

in regards to this Fs Passengers demo, just downloaded it and it will only let me fly out of KSFO, fair enough for the demo, after purchase can I fly out of Melb or Sydney or any Aussie airport?  or is it just for USA?

It works everywhere!!!

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Well, I must say that was a disappointment.  I'm glad I didn't buy it now.  As I was starting it up, I found I was getting more and more irritated by the constant questions.  When I finally got it ready to fly and got the passengers aboard I could hear them but there was nary a sight of them, so, for me, that's no good. :(


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Well, I must say that was a disappointment.  I'm glad I didn't buy it now.  As I was starting it up, I found I was getting more and more irritated by the constant questions.  When I finally got it ready to fly and got the passengers aboard I could hear them but there was nary a sight of them, so, for me, that's no good. :(

I would say give it some more time before you totally disregard it. Once you have got used to it it only takes a minute or two to set-up passengers for your flights.  Once you get use to it it's more a case of pretty deciding what plane you want to fly (assuming you have already bought it within your FsPassengers company) and where you want to fly to (making sure your plane's parking brake is on), choosing how many passengers to carry, how much cargo and ensuring you have enough fuel for the the flight. I think you'll be surprise just how quickly you will do these things once you get used to it.

I think it's highly unlikely you'll ever see an add-on like FsPassengers for FSX that will actually add graphical representations of passengers aboard you plane. Possibly the only way of this happening would be for the creators (Dan) of FsPassengers to get together with the creators of the PMDG Jestream so FsPasengers could control the placement of passengers within the aircraft. The Jetstream is the only aircraft I know of ATM that actually allows you to fill the seats on the plane with graphically represented passengers. To be honest, and with no disrespect to PMDG, I find the passengers inside the Jetstream look like a bunch of zombies. To be fair though making them more detailed would simply hurt FSX performance to much IMO. So basically every add-on plane you have would need to have passengers built into the modeling of that aircraft before FsPassengers could effective add them in for you. Thing is how often do you think you'd actually look at the passengers? At best it just makes the external views look a little more realistic, but IMO it's hardly that big an issue I'm much more concerned with how good the scenery is and how good the aircraft looks and how well it flies.

The main things you will get from FsPassengers is adding some purpose to your flights and hopefully making you a smoother and more responsible pilot. I was quite surprised to find I was initally getting penalised for pulling too many G's and/or landing heavily so I would blow tyres. The other thing I like is the failures your planes can suffer, particularly if you don't keep on-top of aircraft maintenance.

I would certainly recommend you give it a little longer before you write it off as not worth having. I know I had mixed feeeling about it when I first tried it and almost did not bother myself. Now I rarely fly without using it, almost as if non-FsPassenger flights are a waste of time because I've not furthered my career. The only downside possibly is that I also tend to purchase (or not purchase) add-on planes that I can see as being useful to use with FsP.

HTH.  ;)

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Thanks for the information and advice Blitzer.  I've kept the trial download and like you, I mainly fly for the scenery but I do always go from one place to another and in that way I could see it might add interest.

However, if I can't see the passengers, I might have a look at the cargo program mentioned here as that may serve the same purpose.

'Tell the truth, I don't really want to be bothered with all that buying, selling and company stuff.  Did enough of that when I was working!  I just thought I might be able to say, hire a plane, and have a couple of friends in it flying with me.  Cargo may well do the same thing.  I'll have a look.


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Thanks for the information and advice Blitzer.  I've kept the trial download and like you, I mainly fly for the scenery but I do always go from one place to another and in that way I could see it might add interest.

However, if I can't see the passengers, I might have a look at the cargo program mentioned here as that may serve the same purpose.

'Tell the truth, I don't really want to be bothered with all that buying, selling and company stuff.  Did enough of that when I was working!  I just thought I might be able to say, hire a plane, and have a couple of friends in it flying with me.  Cargo may well do the same thing.  I'll have a look.


I think you may find Air Hauler is more involved when it comes to company management to be honest, well that's certainly the impression I get from the product descriptions anyway.  :-\

As it happens I have been combining the use of FTX and FsPassengers quite well by simply flying around (pretty much anyway) the coast of Oz, every flight I have made I have used FsPassengers to add a little more purpose (for want of a better word) to the flights. The distance of each leg of my journey and the size of the airfields I've flown between has been the main factor in my decision in what plane to fly.

I don't know how much you've looked into FSP yet, but it also has two other flight modes, both of these require that you land at the same airfield you took-off from...

  • Aerobatic: As it suggested you fly around having some fun in a suitable plane, I tend to use the Lotus Albatros or the Carenado Mentor. Essentially you perform manouvres and pull G's to increase your passenger's satisfaction percentage (you can have only one at a time) increases until you reach 100% at which point you need to land to complete the aerobatic session. If you exceed the PAX's G limits you get penalised.
  • Flight Tour: Basically fly between 10 mins to 3 hours with a maximum of 15 passengers and land at the airfield you took off from. Most I believe of the normal flight restrictions apply, so no pulling G's here etc.

There are some irritating such as the silly hostess coming into the cockpit saying silly things to you, not a big problem but I wish you could turn it off. I also wish that the use of helicopters had been implemented but again you cannot use them for FSP.

I should point out that I have nothing to do with FSP other than being a satisfied customer!  :)

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why do you want to see the passengers anyway? as a captain you only need to listen to your crew! I love it and I think it is great! Try doing a dive and hearing the passengers scream hehe and besides you also have a co pilot in your ear too.

I agree that if it were possible to see them it would add that extra dimension. Have you tried X-PAX I also use this from time to time it shows you ppl in the terminal but fspassengers IMHO is better.


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Yes, well I might give it another go when I feel less impatient, which isn't often nowadays after that massive reinstallation I had to do over the last few weeks.  I think I'll just fly it around for a while.  I've done the circumnavigation of both Australia and the USA never flying more than 200 nm between places.  At the moment, I'm flying the old wagon trail route across the USA.

I'm going to start doing that in Australia but as yet can't make up my mind whether it'll be from South to North or from East to West!

All I wanted was to get some passengers in the small planes I use to accompany me on the trips but FS Passengers seems so complicated.  I don't want to buy the bloody 'plane and I certainly don't want to set up a company, let alone mess about with the finances, weights and fuel and things.  I've done all that and frankly, it all takles too long to start flying it.  One place to another using Real World Weather, sometimes IFR, but mostly VFR and perhaps taking a few pics on the way is my enjoyment of the hobby.  And I don't think, or at least I can't find a simple way to do that with FS Passengers.  If I could, I'd use it.


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