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Sand Dune Looking Things accross runway.

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On a simple flight from Camarillo Airport to Van Nuys Airport in California I noticed what looked like sand dunes or light tan areas that were elevated crossing the runway at a perpendicular angle. It made the runway look as though it was several short runways with mounds obstructing it.  I just purchased and installed the Southern California package perhaps that has something to do with it. Attached is my scenery.cfg file to see what may be going on.  Running FSX SE  on windows 7 64bit






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Hello Phil.


Welcome to the forums.  Probably the best forum there is.  There are heaps of people or moderators who will come to your assistance very quickly.  


As far as your problem goes, have a look in the stickies for " posting a screenshot".  These instructions are freely available and very easy to use.  


Your problem appears to be lack of AEC or Airport elevation correction which can be obtained via FSX Gobal Vector, however I suggest you read someone else's help as they will be a lot more accurate than this old coot.


Good luck Phil, enjoy yourself and don't forget to download all those free Orbx airports which are available here too, they are really amazing and unbelievably free.



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A little confusion as to where the scenery.cfg file is located. The previous one i posted above was in the c:\program88\steam\steamapps\common\fsx directory  and this one is in the c:\programData\microsoft\fsx directory. this seems to be the correct one that is being used and modified by the program.


Please take a look and let me know from this one what i need to move.   One other thing i noticed is that the southern california files are only start at  ftx_na_sca05_scenery is there a 1 2 3 4 that i am missing?


Thanks for any help,




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You can use the FTX Central insertion point tool to set your FTX and OLC entries.

The FTX entries should be below your other third party addons and the OLC entries below them.

I see you have my Traffic X.

Please check your simulator installation for multiple versions of the same airport, in particular files

added by My Traffic X.

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