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Re-installation of FSX and FTX Global/Vector on a new PC - Licence reset ?


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Hello Flight Simmers,

I finally took delivery of my brand spanking new custom built PC yesterday and it is just the shizz...:-)

Anyway, after having the data transferred from my old PC to this new PC with the exception of ALL Flight Sim X stuff (Along with FTX Global/Vector that was deleted as well before the data transfer) that was deleted beforehand as I took the advice in other threads to go for a fresh install, I am ready to re-install FSX on my new machine along with FTX Global and Vector.

This is where I am a little confused and please correct me if I am wrong guys and I read this on another thread. FTX Global/Vector is for 1 install on 1 machine as in like 1 licence to download. Now that I have switched to a brand new PC and Flight Sim X is no longer on the other machine, how can I get then licence thing reset please so that I can install on my new PC.

I did read in another thread regards one of the admins/moderators sending thru a message to someone to get the licence reset for another user and this went through O.K. and that they were able to re-install O.K.

I still have a legitimate copy of both FTX Global and Vector in my Flight Sim store cart/account I previously purchased tyhat I just checked that I can download for this new machine.

I don't want to start the whole install process of FTX along with Global/Vector and run into problems so can anyone tell me what to do or can anyone as in admin/moderator arrange for my details to be reset so that I can then re-download then install Global/Vector onto this new machine and if need be I can log into my account at the flight sim store and provide receipt numbers etc... to prove the purchase.

I will await to hear from someone and I cant wait to get started and re-install everything and get flting again.





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Hi Nick,


Thank you for the response, much appreciated.

I had been doing some reading this afternoon and I worked out after doing a bit of reading how to transfer the licences.

As I have a brand new PC, I have now successfully installed FSX deluxe and Accelerator pack on my new Windows 10 PC (The only thing that didn't work was the activation key for the product even though I put the product key in and it said that it was successful and the only thing I dont have access to is Multiplayer, which is no great loss really).

Once this was done I then re-downloaded FTX Global and Vector from my FSS store account, and installed both of them on my new Windows 10 PC with no issues at all. When I then went into Vector and it said there was an update, I clicked on the button to update but it said that as I have no ORBX products in my account, I needed to go to a link to FSS and put the licences into my ORBX account to activate the update. I did this and went back into FTX3 that I had already downloaded and installed and bingo!,  both of my ORBX products Global and Vector were showing in FTX3 and I am now half way thru downloading what looks like a fairly decent update for Vector.

I haven't seen if there is an update for Global yet so that is next. Once that is all done, Australia SP3 which includes Coffs Harbour is next to be installed followed by Brisbane International airport scenery pack.

I am half way there so fingers crossed that no issues come up.





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