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Trouble updating openLC NA


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Been trying to update my openLC NA to 1.15 for the past week now and I keep getting this error in FTX Central 3:




I have even manually downloaded the update and then use the Installation Option - Installed from manually downloaded zip. That shows promise as I get a progress bar but halfway through it suddenly switches to say it's downloading the update and after a while I get the same error as in my screenshot.


Any help would be appreciated.




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14 minutes ago, tomp94 said:

I've had the same problem. 

Was causing the internet to stop working completely on mine, had to quit the installer and reset gateway each time to get it back .


The top line in the OP's error report indicates he is getting a corrupt download.....your issue does not sound the same at all. :)


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43 minutes ago, andarlite said:

I have even manually downloaded the update and then use the Installation Option - Installed from manually downloaded zip. That shows promise as I get a progress bar but halfway through it suddenly switches to say it's downloading the update and after a while I get the same error as in my screenshot.


Hi Henry


I would try clearing out all your temp folders, clearing your internet cache, deleting the existing download and re-downloading. 





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