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Bug in FTX UK


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Sorry if I have logged this bug in the wrong place but there is no option to log a bug for Orbx UK.  I have been having lots of problems where some UK airports seem to have shear cliff faces around them - notably Biggin Hill and Manchester and others, not all airports are affected, this makes the sim unusable as on take off or approach you are presented with huge mountains!!


I tried lots of things to resolve this and eventually gave up and completely uninstalled and removed all traces of my Orbx products, Base, Vectors, Euro LC and Orbx UK.


I then decided to reinstall them one by one - I then checked after each install that the "cliffs" did not appear - all was well until I installed Orbx UK and the update 1.51 then the cliffs reappeared! Clearly there is a bug somewhere in Orbx UK or more likely the update.  Unfortunately I did not check FSX after installing UK and before installing the update but as UK had been working fine I have to assume the update is no good.  I am running FSX Steam on a new PC and it has been working fine for the last year so I would like to see this resolved.  If the developers are seeing this then please check it and resolve it otherwise I would like a refund as it is making my sim unusable.


If I uncheck the UK entries under the scenery library then the cliffs disappear giving another clue as to a buggy Orbx UK package or the update.


The attached pics show Biggin Hill with the "cliffs" and without after unchecking the UK entries in scenery library.



Biggin 2.jpg


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1 hour ago, Mishka said:

I tried lots of things to resolve this and eventually gave up and completely uninstalled and removed all traces of my Orbx products, Base, Vectors, Euro LC and Orbx UK.


Did you run the Vector AEC (Airport Elevation Correction) tool?



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