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Original FSX Boxed vs FSX Steam Versions of Orbx


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I have several ORBX titles including Global and Vector for the original boxed FSX and  I'm in the process of converting over to a fresh new install of FSXSE on a new system,

Can I use my original ORBX installers to install all my scenery  into FSXSE or do I need to purchase all new versions of the scenery? ( I realize North America LC is all new and my Canada version won't work with the completed new one.) Thanks.   Tom










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Hello Tom.

I done exactly what you are about to do.  FSX SE is great.  If you go to Youtube and look it up,

a gentleman uses a split screen to show how the SE is quite a lot better than the boxed version.


Nick gave me the same instructions as he has given you.  It works beautifully.  This FTX Central v3

has made everything so easy to install.  You don't have to re-buy anything, nothing, zero. This whole new setup is a breeze

believe me.


I was going to say good luck but you don't need it with Central v3.



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Thanks Nick and Jim!  That's great to hear! 

Do I run Central V3 from my current system or install it on the new system to convert over to SE?

                                                        Regards,  Tom

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