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is it possible to get refund?


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I bought open lc Alaska/Canada in march 2016 for 22.50 aus dollars. I missed out on the "discount" that was open 30 days after full release of lc NA.

Missing out on a discount is fine but having to buy Alaska/Canada all over again to get update and support for lc NA Alaska/Canada that I already own is not fine. I cant see the moral and legal reasoning behind this unless I will have updates and support for lc NA Alaska/Canada.


When I say I have to buy it all over again I mean by someone that hasnt bought any of these lc NA before can have it all at the same price I have to spend to get updates and support for the lc NA Alaska/canada I already own.


In case you will post the threads regarding the discounts you announced at release of NA Alaska/Canada so understand it is not the discount Im upset about but the fact I have to buy Alaska/Canada twice and I will not tolerate it.


Unless I am wrong about these Things I would appreciate if orbx can morally and legally explain why I must purchase a Product twice and the possibility of getting a refund. I take it orbx are aware of consumers rights and I am inclined to feel it is me who just dont understand this.

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It has been made very clear indeed that the Alaska/Canada product was left out of FTX Central

due to an oversight, not as a slight against the customers who bought it.

It has been stated that a way is being sought to include it for those who have not or do not wish to

upgrade to the full product.


As the product is no longer current, it is highly unlikely that there will be any updates for it and support

is as ever available here.


As it stands, you have no need to buy anything and you can continue to use the product indefinitely, though

should you wish to re-install it without the original FSS wrapper, you cannot do so yet via FTX Central v3.

It would make sense to make a back up as described in this topic or not to uninstall it until the product is again 



In the event of there being another sale, as there have been in the past, the opportunity may arise for you to upgrade

for much less than the full price, should you wish to.

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Common sense and decent behaviour should tell you that if you sell part(s) of a product early that will be implemented in a full release,
you subtract the ammount early customers paid from the full price of the fully released product.
Having a special discount with a timelimit Attached to it is very fine and ok.
I am not asking for a discount but only that you subtract the price I paid for part of your full product that has that part I already paid for.

I am surprised to see orbx do its business this way and I am wondering how much profit you made on the happy customers that wasnt able to make the timelimit.
The "happy" customerbase that dont speak up to this is almost only possible in flightsim community with the oldest average age in almost any other genre.

This is a behaviour we see in other genres of gaming industry from the bigger developers and I am sad to see it happen in the flightsim genre too.


I dont see how orbx can justify this morally or legally and would be interesting to hear from others in orbx to see why orbx have started to handle its customers this way.

Would be interesting to hear the extra cost that would hit orbx by me paying for the upgrade now rather than within 30 days of full release.

Again I am not looking for a discount, only that you dont make me pay for part of your product in the full release twice.



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I'm sorry, you missed out on the upgrade which was available for 30 days; over 6,000 customers took advantage of the offer. Unfortunately hundreds chose not to upgrade within that timeframe and missed out. You're one of those. As a purchaser of AK/Canada you would have been sent an email by FSS about the upgrade offer.


So to answer your original question, no you cannot get a refund, sorry.

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