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Can't select Version when installing orbx - No version to select


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Hello Orbx support,


first of all thank you for a great product (in my case OrbX Global Base) which I really enjoyed when using it with FSX. Since I wanted to use FSX:SE I deinstalled FSX and installed FSX:SE which at first seemed to work real fine. However when I installed OrbX at first I could only choose FSX and not FSX:SE. Besides FSX Central 2 was not able to load and just gave me an error message (see attachment txt file)


So I deinstalled everything again, used CCleaner to clean my registry and redownloaded FSX:SE and installed it.


Here's what happened now: When installing OrbX Base at the point where I am supposed to choose a version I cannot choose anything, it just says "Please select" in the drop down menu. I checked my registry manually, used the registry fix tool, looked for old debris of FSX and nothing worked. It does not seem Steam is in coexistence mode, since the path in the reg file is leading to the correct folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX.


However I am not able to install OrbX Base. Could you help me out with that. I am willing to desinstall everything again (except my OS, which would be quite annoying). Since I have the feeling I cleaned up my registry quite well using CCleaner after my first deinstall, I do not know what else I could do.


Thanks in advance for not only making a good product but also for offering a helpful service,






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Hello Sven,

welcome to the forums.


Possibly your installation wasn't broken in the first place.

The FTX installers and FTX Central are designed to install to FSX-SE when it is in co-existence

with FSX disk edition.


If FSX-SE is the only FSX version, it uses the same registry entries and folders as FSX disk does,

so the FSX installer is the one to use.


It looks as if your registry cleaning was a bit too efficient and has left no registry entries that the installer

can recognise.

You can create new ones, using the FSX Registry Utility that you will find on this page.

Then you will see an option to install to FSX and you should do this.


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Hello Nick,


first of all sorry for not looking properly and therefore not seeing your post in the forum that would have solved my issue in the first place already.


Second thing I want to tell is "Nick Cooper, Sir, you are a genius". Not only did you solve my registry "no version to select issue" but also I was able to use your scenery.cfg solution you explained to manuver, since I got the same error after fixing the installation problem.


One last Question, if you don't mind:


Whenever I install products (also with Orx Base) and I have to choose my version it always offers me "FSX" not "FSX:SE", although I definately have FSx:SE installed. Within my scenery in FSX (I mean the list where you can add areas, remove and rearange them I do not find any "OrbX entries, only "AddonScenery". When I used Orbx with the FSX (non steam) version, OrbX had its own entries there. So is OrbX Base really installed properly or is this just normal when using FSX:SE?


Kind regards,



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If you have only FSX-SE installed, then that is indeed correct.

Unless there is already FSX disk, FSX-SE uses the same file structure as FSX

and the FSX installers should be used.

The FSX-SE installer is really only for when FSX disk and SE are both installed.

If this is the case, the FSX-SE file structure is different, so the installer and FTX Central

must be told to write to the different locations.

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No, that isn't correct, you should have the three OLC entries that FTX Global adds.




Your scenery.cfg file should be in ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX, can you check and make sure that

it is and that you do not also have one in ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE?

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-.- It looks like I have both the FSX and FSX-SE within the ProgramData/Microsoft path. Just to clarify again, the OrbX installer only offered me "FSX" after i solved the original problem of this post.


Please tell me you also know a solution to this problem? ;)

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You can run the FTX Global installer again, no need to uninstall first, it will only add what it finds to be missing

and so be very quick.

Hopefully, FTX Central will now write to the FSX folders.

You might delete the FSX-SE folders in ProgramData and Appdata and check after you have run FTX Central,

that they are not added again.

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If you first export the Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition entry as a back up, you can then delete it from your Registry.

Also try running the FTX Registry Fix tool from the freeware page and see if the entry for FSX is what you expect to see and that there isn't one for FSX SE.

You might post a screenshot of it if you wish.

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That looks good to me too.

Without the FSX SE registry entry, does FTX Central write to the scenery library?

Try putting the attached file into your ORBX\Scripts folder and let it overwrite the one that's there.

Then run FTXConfigurator.exe and see if the scenery library entries are written to the in-game scenery library.


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It did not look like FTX Central wrote to the scenery library, though I have to admit, I am not sure about this point. How would I recognize.


I put the .xml into Orbx/Scripts. I was a bit surprised, since there was no overriding necessary. There was only one other .xml file called FTXSettings.xml I then ran the FTX configurator.exe (nothing happend, at least no GUI opened)

 Still no entry of OrBx in the FXS Scenery list, sorry! -.-


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I get an error once I change the name of the FSX folder in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft

Changing the FSX-SE folders name does not create an error message.


Tell me if I'm taking too much of your time, but I sure would love to solve this change issue


Edit: It looks like the Steam registry Entry is created everytime I start FSX. Don't know if that means anything

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It must therefore be running in co-existence mode.

I have made a registry entry that should stop it doing this for you to try.

Please delete your current HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator - Steam Edition

entry and merge this one instead.

Delete the FSX-SE folder again and run FSX and see if it makes another.


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No, that makes perfect sense.


As I believe I may have mentioned, if there is only FSX-SE installed on a PC,

for FTX installers and FTX Central, it must be treated as if it was FSX disk edition.


The FSX-SE installer option is only there for dual installations where FSX-SE is

running in co-existence mode,meaning that it is using FSX-SE folders, so as not to

interfere with FSX disk, which uses the FSX folders.


The registry entry I sent you has corrected the error that you had.

The error was that your FSX-SE was installed in co-existence mode but FTX Central was reading

it as if it was not and therefore writing to FSX folders.

Your FSX-SE was looking in the FSX-SE folder, where no changes had been made.


Now, FTX Central is writing to the FSX folder and FSX-SE is reading from it and all is well.


From now on, think of FSX-SE as FSX and use only FSX installers and any more products

you may wish to install will work as they should.


Be aware that this advice is only for FTX products and that any other addons, whether scenery or aircraft

should have their FSX-SE versions installed, unless there is specific advice not to do this.

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