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Missing 3D trees and other scenery issues Northern California


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Hi, Following advice on the forums under an earlier topic http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/119926-urgent-help-needed-lclookupbgl-files-missing-fsx-not-loading-after-orbx-installation/

 I was able to get FSX flying again.

However I still have scenery issues which haven't been resolved. 3D trees and greenery are missing from ALL my airports and scenery both Orbx and the FSX default. They were all working before the FTX Northern California installation. Other items are also missing on the North American airports, such as the bridge at Cushman meadows farm, along with vehicles, people and trees that were there previously. (see screenshot below)

I have experimented with density settings in FSX but with no luck.

Any ideas how to solve this  gratefully welcome.




ORBX Northwest Pacific Blue Cushman meadows.jpg

ORBX Northwest Pacific Blue Cushman meadows Farm.jpg

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Richard,

Yes I have already tried rebuilding the .cfg but with luck.

I haven't yet updated to FTX3. I have been away from my flight sim for over a month and didn't know that there were new updates.

 I must admit I'm a bit worried having seen all the problems people are having, and wondered if I can solve the problem first using FTX2,

unless of course that could be part of the problem.

I love to fly, but not very experienced at all the background computer knowledge needed these days!

Many thanks



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Hello Mike,


                 I myself had a smooth transition to FTXCv3, please check you have everything ticked in your scenery library. I am also more than happy to walk you through problems via email or Skype if you wish. I will PM you with some details when I get home from Canberra, do you have 3rd party software for that region that may cause a conflict and or installed and un installed any kind of 3rd party Vegetation? Also please re run the Libraries

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Thanks for your kind offer of help.


I have managed to get  FTXCv3  downloaded and running. It shows the Orbx sotftware I have installed and some of the missing scenery on Northern California has returned BUT still no improvement to trees on both Orbx and original FSX scenery.


I'm certain  don't have any conflicting software which could be causing the problem.  As explained i my previous post the problem started when I installed the Northern California scenery. At one stage I couldn't load FSX at all due to missing/ corrupted files. Thanks to help on the forum I managed to get flying again but with scenery problems, especially the disappearance of the 3d trees throughout FSX. I'm uploading a further screen grab to show Biggin Hill Uk airport where the trees are definitely missing and vegetation should be more realistic to show how it is affecting non-orbx scenery as well.


Finally I don't know how to re-run the libraries. I have opened the libraries window in FTXC3 but nothing happens when I click the control panel button which I assume is where you can do this.


Many thanks 


Biggin Hill.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another month on and I'm still flying without trees,  and I wondered if anyone has some more ideas about how I can fix it.


Following the download of  FTXCv3  all other scenery issues appear to have been fixed but I still have NO trees either on Orbx scenery or the original FSX scenery.

I have tried rebuilding the cfg file, altering the autogen tree values. I have no other vegetation software.


I really, really don't want to reinstall flight sim from scratch. If I don't understand what's causing this problem I may simply replicate it.


Hope someone can help. 


Thanks Mike

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Hi Mike,


it's actually not easy to deliberately get rid of all autogen trees so I'm not sure how this could have happened by accident...


If the texture files were missing the models would still show albeit in black. Further, since the placement files for autogen buildings and houses reside in the same (.agn) files those can't be corrupt or missing either.


Please check that you don't have a TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_TREES_PER_CELL=0 entry in your active fsx.cfg file (in the [TERRAIN] subsection).


Please check that you have a file named "AutogenDescriptions.spb" in {FSX}\Autogen and what its file date is.


Please check that you have files named "vegetation.BGL" and "vegetation_fsxrtm.bgl" in {FSX}\Scenery\Global\scenery and what their file dates are.


The above are the files containing the models and groupings of all autogen trees in the sim.


Cheers, Holger 

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Hi Holger,

Many thanks for your quick and detailed reply.

First of all, as I explained above, I am not very experienced in the background computer knowledge needed to sort out  flight simulator problems! So I do need additional help.

I can locate my fsx.cfg okay.  Under terrain I have TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_TREES_PER_CELL=4500

So far, so good.

However I do not know where to look to check the autogen or vegetation files. If they should be in the same active fsx.cfg file, then I can't find them.

If they have a different location please could you let me know where I can find them .


Many thaks again


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Hi Holger,



I've checked the scenery folder  and I have vegetation.bgl dated 27/09/2007  and vegetation_fsxrtm.bgl  dated 23/08/2007

However I don't appear to have the exact autogen file mentioned. I've enclosed a screenshot of the folder contents.

I hope it makes sense and helps to solve the problem.




autogen folder .jpg

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Hi Mike,


the "vegetation.BGL" and "vegetation_fsxrtm.bgl" file dates are correct.


The contents of your \Autogen folder sure area mess though. There are backups presumably created by the Skiathos_X and Mykonos_X installers but no active versions of those files. The folder should contain files named default.xml, AutogenDescriptions.spb, Extrusions.spb, Materials.spb, and RoofDescriptions.spb, with exactly those names and extensions.


Look for a folder named "custom.gb_hybrid" in \ORBX\Scripts\. Sort its contents by Type and you should find the four .spb files plus default.xml, all dated August 2016. Copy&paste those into your \Autogen folder, and also rename the current RoofDescriptions.xml and AutogenDescriptions.xml from .xml to .OFF.



Cheers, Holger


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Hi Mike,


not sure why the file date of my TerrainAutogenClassDescription.spb is newer (it's not being replaced by Orbx) but I checked and its identical in content to the default version you have.


I'm sorry but I don't know what else to check. If the two model files are present (in \Scenery\Global\scenery), the 8 class/grouping files are correct (in \Autogen), the placement files active (all the various default and add-on .agn files), and the autogen display sliders set, then there's no reason for autogen not to display.


Technically, there might be a rogue exclusion file active at higher display priority somewhere in your scenery library menu. However, it's highly unlikely that it would affect the entire globe. Moreover, your screenshot of Nov. 3 clearly shows autogen buildings and it's not possibly to separately exclude autogen trees but not buildings.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,

Once again thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it.

I'm at a loss. Everything else on FSX seems to be functioning okay.

I've tried so many different settings yet  I feel there must be something glaringly obvious I've missed or as you say a rogue file somewhere.

I'd like to leave this open just in case. 


Many thanks 


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