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Straight edges on coastal and waterways


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Since adding the latest NA landclass I am seeing a lot of (not all) waterways with straight edges and the occasional rogue squares of water. (I am not posting pictures as the question does not require them). Most of the flying that I have done since the install has been in Canada.

I have done all the common "fixes" but to no avail.

I have done  a couple of searches of this thread and can find nothing that appears to help, and would appreciate any input. Thanks. Teecee.

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Over a month ago I posted my above message re LC_Lookup.


I ran the program LC_Lookup, and crashed my sim, and since that time I have tried several times to reinstall, but each time run into problems.

At the moment I have the sim running, with only North America installed.

The reason I am posting here again, is that I am simply finding it very difficult to keep up with the technological advances within the sims (I run prepar3d v2.5). IE LC-Lookup and DX10 about which I have no clue.

I am an old guy, and am housebound due illness, I am not stupid, and possibly my mental facilities are declining, but at the moment I am totally frustrated, mainly due to the fact that I have, until quite recently bought almost everything that Orbx has produced, and am unable to use them all. Even a basic reinstall is becoming a struggle.

Can someone please point me to anything that will help me to understand all the various addon's that are available? Teecee.


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