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Another Question About Mesh


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Will mesh programs such as FS Global 2010 and FreemeshX improve the resolution in ORBX fat regions such as Northern California?  Or will they only improve areas outside of the fat regions?

Thanks, Dan

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The developers will have to jump in here but I believe the only mesh that will improve the FAT Regions is Pilot's Ultimate, I have tried all three (FSG 2010, Freemesh X, and Pilot's Ultimate) and I only see a difference with Ultimate.



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Hi Dan,


I've been researching this today and I believe that the only mesh product that will improve Orbx 'regions' is Ultimate. 


Freemesh X definately will not improve regions but it will provide a massive improvement to areas not covered by 'regions'.  Freemesh X provides coverage to most of the world at 38m (I believe FSX default is around 76m) and was tested using global.


The terrain mesh included in Orbx payware varies by region - eg FTX Scotland has a 20m mesh included whilst Northern California has a 10m terrain mesh included.  Therefore, the degree of improvement that you will be able to see will vary from region to region with Ultimate.


I've just downloaded Freemesh X this evening and i'm very impressed with the difference.  Its free and can be downloaded here. http://ninetwopro.com/freemeshx/


If you're content with the way your regions look and just want to see an improvement in other parts of the world, I would go for Freemesh X.....but if you really want to improve your regions, it's Ultimate all the way.  Hope this helps.  Cheers,




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Any mesh with a higher LOD value will improve the fat regions.  But keep in mind the fats are made for the included mesh.  Adding a higher LOD will likely cause unintended problems.  


A lot of people don't understand that higher mesh is really good when there are jagged type mountains.  In areas that don't have that feature will not usually benefit from high LOD mesh.  You won't see any difference.


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5 hours ago, Caluma65 said:

Freemesh X definately will not improve regions but it will provide a massive improvement to areas not covered by 'regions'.  Freemesh X provides coverage to most of the world at 38m (I believe FSX default is around 76m) and was tested using global.


I've just downloaded Freemesh X this evening and i'm very impressed with the difference.  Its free and can be downloaded here. http://ninetwopro.com/freemeshx/


If you're content with the way your regions look and just want to see an improvement in other parts of the world, I would go for Freemesh X.....but if you really want to improve your regions, it's Ultimate all the way.  Hope this helps.  Cheers,



5 hours ago, Geezer said:

Any mesh with a higher LOD value will improve the fat regions.  But keep in mind the fats are made for the included mesh.  Adding a higher LOD will likely cause unintended problems.  


A lot of people don't understand that higher mesh is really good when there are jagged type mountains.  In areas that don't have that feature will not usually benefit from high LOD mesh.  You won't see any difference.



Calum & Geezer are right on the mark.

I would add that better resolution will also allow you to see areas that have subtle elevation differences and improve the detail of hills too.  

For instance, an area with many small hills/valleys in the real world, might show up as almost completely flat with low resolution mesh, but with better mesh you will see the little hills and valleys


Just as additional FYI,

FSX/P3D Default mesh for the USA is 38m.

Default Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia is 76m.

The rest of the world varies, but can be much worse than 76m.


I also use FreeMeshX.  With it's 38m mesh, I can see improvements over the default 76m areas.  I see huge improvements in parts of South America and Africa where the default mesh is much worse than 76m.  Many large areas that are just flat plains with the default mesh are transformed into rolling hills and valleys.  Other areas with smoothly rounded hills in default, become much more detailed.


Default mesh  (just west of SAWH)






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3 hours ago, h3pilot said:



Calum & Geezer are right on the mark.

I would add that better resolution will also allow you to see areas that have subtle elevation differences and improve the detail of hills too.  

For instance, an area with many small hills/valleys in the real world, might show up as almost completely flat with low resolution mesh, but with better mesh you will see the little hills and valleys


Just as additional FYI,

FSX/P3D Default mesh for the USA is 38m.

Default Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia is 76m.

The rest of the world varies, but can be much worse than 76m.










Hi Matt,


I have a quick question just off the back of your very helpful post....


If the default mesh for FSX for the USA is 38m - is there any point in downloading and installing the USA mesh from Freeware (which seems to also be 38m)?  Is any improvement likely to be seen in the USA with Freemesh X, given that they seem to provide the same detail of mesh?  Cheers,



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For the US, the only improvement might be very little if the default mesh isn't very good.  However, the freeware North America includes all of north america and you will see improvements outside the US. 

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5 hours ago, Geezer said:

For the US, the only improvement might be very little if the default mesh isn't very good.  However, the freeware North America includes all of north america and you will see improvements outside the US. 

Thanks Geezer.  Appreciated!!  Cheers,



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Thank you everyone.  I have learn a lot from this and Calum's threads.  I've decided to start out with FreeMeshX.  It certainly has improved Europe.




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19 hours ago, Caluma65 said:


Hi Matt,


I have a quick question just off the back of your very helpful post....


If the default mesh for FSX for the USA is 38m - is there any point in downloading and installing the USA mesh from Freeware (which seems to also be 38m)?  Is any improvement likely to be seen in the USA with Freemesh X, given that they seem to provide the same detail of mesh?  Cheers,




14 hours ago, Geezer said:

However, the freeware North America includes all of north america and you will see improvements outside the US. 



Sorry for the late reply, but it looks like Geezer covered it.  

FreeMeshX's North America file doesn't contain any USA mesh at all.  I think they just left it out because default is already 38m and it reduced file size.

As Geezer noted, both Canada and Mexico are in North America, so you will see improvements there.

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On ‎7‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 11:40 PM, Geezer said:

....  Here's another option.  Excellent 10m mesh for the US, canada and Alaska at a very reasonable cost.



 Hi Geezer !  Are you using LCS meshes ?  I've checked LCS website, and one great thing about LCS meshes is, all airports has been checked to avoid plateaus and bathtub problems. I am wondering how well LCS meshes plays with FTX Vector....


Is there anyone using LCS meshes ?

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The dev examined each airport and, if it was on a plateau or ditch, he made an altitude file.  It worked fine but there was a conflict with Vector with a couple of airports so I took out the altitude file for them.  I liked it but after I purchased all the fats, I quit using it and just use freemesh now.  If I'm flying in the Rockies or whatever, I don't know the area and can't tell the difference.  Both look fine.  I have a lot of LOD 11 from FS9 that I could put in central america, Europe and other areas but don't.  Freemesh works great and the price is right.

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