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Trees and Buildings on Runways / Runways & Tarmac different surfaces

Paul Edwards

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Hi there,

Firstly let me say you are dealing with a Novice, both to simming and to computers in general.   I have a stand alone simulator (big boys toy so to speak) running FSX.   I recently purchased ORBX Australia SP4, and Global (Melbourne airport was already on computer but not running).    Initially I installed Australia scenery via download (luckily I ordered the discs) and that caused my FSX to 'crash' corrupting 1 of the fsx scenery files and making FSX unusable.    Rather than try and make matters worse (way out of my league) I got a Technician out - who spent 3 hrs repairing the FSX file.   Despite this, as soon as we opened FSX with the new 'download' - there were Trees and Buildings all over the runway / airport...at every airport we tried all over the world.   He suggested that once the discs arrive from flightsim store - that should overwrite the corrupt files.

I received the discs a few days later - and loaded the Australia SP program, but still continued to get the 6 or 7 error messages when loading FSX.   The trees / buildings were still present.

I then installed them ORBX Melbourne scenery disc....and this did stop 4 or 5 of the error messages appearing.   However, I am still getting 2 error messages at the beginning of FSX as follows:

'SCENERY CFG. FILE ERROR. Local Scenery directory (ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU45_SCENERY\SCENERY) in scenery area.118 not found' and the identical message but with the code

((ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU46_Shores\SCENERY) in scenery area.117 not found'


Once FSX loads - I do now have the full Melbourne Airport, but the Runway / tarmac areas are a combination of Cement / bitumen and gravel textures.   However there are no trees / buildings on the runway areas (so a step in the right direction).   I did check other Australian Airports - but the trees / buildings are present on runway areas, so I am thinking the problem lies with the SP4 program.   I did check a couple of Overseas airports and whilst I couldn't see any trees / buildings on runways...there were some in the taxi-way areas.  I have yet to try and install ORBX global - too scared (plus I don't think I have enough disc space at moment on C drive).


I contacted Flightsim store and they said to contact you.   They said that there is some sort of 'file' you can send that would fix these issues.   Really need your help on this - and please remember you are dealing with a novice - so if you can keep the computer speak simple that would be great.  I'm really trying to avoid calling out a computer guy again (at $300 a visit) - this is becoming an expensive exercise.



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Hi Nick...

I purchased the full size 737 sim about 4 months ago.   The computer already has FSX installed on it and is linked to prosim and open cockpits which has all my overhead panels and other gear linked to it.

Prior to contacting you...I did speak with the guy I brought it from about FSX discs ...he told me it is installed in the C drive as a download.   I'm too naive and computer illiterate to know any better.

Hope this doesn't complicate things and you can help.



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The messages are telling you that there is a scenery library entry for them but that they are not

present at the specified location.

I would advise against spending any more on the technician if he or she could not sort this out.

Unfortunately there is a certain amount of file manipulation to try.

Are you familiar with the Windows File Explorer?

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Hi Nick...as said I am very very computer illiterate.  The technician although not familiar with FSX at least would probably understand how to do things if he had instructions.   Is there an easy way to do it? Like uninstalling I orbx and starting again? Or uninstalling orbx and just getting by on FSX... although not as good...at least I didn't have these issues.  I just can't get over the fact a $100 program has brought down a $10k simulator... almost at the point of throwing in the towel and selling it as is.... appreciate ur help.

Flightsim store told me there is some download/ update you have that will fix it?



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Hi Nick....wish I could put a name to it.

I did ask Andres from flightsim store...he just referred me to you guys stating there is a 'fix'.

I've have tried calling them but they have an answering machine on. All emails for support are directed to orbx.  Would I be correct in saying flightsim store are the retail arm of orbx?

Anyway the way I see it would ANY of the following options rectify:

1. Uninstall orbx


2. Buy a disc version of FSX, reinstall it (with some help) and reinstall orbx Australia 


3. Arrange for a technician to follow all the configuration you suggest (but I'm guessing you're not sure that is a definite fix)

Or as I said...

4. Sell my Sim (which am reluctant to do as this software would have completed it to the stage I wanted)


I do appreciate your help..

But it concerns me my issues are unique.


Paul Edwards 

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To be fair, the Flight Sim Store sell the software but do not offer any support,

as no retailer would, I don't think.


The problem is that I have no idea what you have already.

My advice based on this is to re-install the Australia software using, if possible the

downloaded file from the Flight Sim Store account page.

Then go to this page and download the latest version of the Orbx libraries.

Install them and follow all the on screen prompts.

Then see if the error messages persist and note exactly what they are.

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Hi Nick,


Thanks for persisting with me.    To clarify what I have already:


My simulator was set up with FSX, Prosim 737 & Open Cockpits to run some panels etc. everything running firn 100%

Then - 3 weeks,

I purchased ORBX Australia SP4 & Orbx Global.   (I already had a Orbx Melbourne Airport on disc which wasn't installed as I didn't have the SP4 disc)

I downloaded ORBX Australia (not Global) - as well as paying extra for the discs which were sent by mail.

This is where the problem began.

I installed SP4 from the download....and my FSX refused to load due to a 'corrupted' scenery file in FSX.  I had a computer technician attend, who after spending 3 hours on it and researching online, manage to repair the file and got FSX to work.

Then that's when I got about 7 of those error messages I first explained to you and the trees / buildings on runways appeared.

The technicians advice was wait for the discs to arrive in the mail and load them - he thought that should overwrite the errors.   Flightsim Store agreed.

The discs arrived and I loaded SP4 only...the same error messages appeared as did same issues.

I did then insert my Orbx Melbourne Airport Disc...that did remove all trees / buildings from Runway / tarmac but gave me different runway textures and blurry edges (but better than before).  Also, only 2 error messages now appear at start of FSX.

I still have the trees / buildings at all other Australian airports - but mainly around taxiways and airport buildings.   The same happens with Overseas airports (but at least I'm flying sort of)


I have not at any stage - tried to load ORBX Global.


I hear what you are saying about reloading the 'downloaded' file again (Australia SP4) - but scared / reluctant to do so because of what it did to my FSX the first time I loaded it.

Can the same be achieved by reloading by the discs?

If that is the case - do I / can I uninstall ORBX SP4 first?


Thanks again


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Hi Nick... download the library update as suggested but hasn't made any difference...I still have trees and buildings on runways.... except Melbourne (assuming because have orbx Melbourne installed).   No signs of water where it should be (Sydney harbour is dry)...all in all very frustrating.

I don't know whether this helps or not but when I go into the auxillary orbx program (not sure what it's called) but basically like a program manager where you can adjust settings...updates etc...when I click on what orbx programs are installed...it only makes reference to Melbourne airport and the scenery library I just downloaded.   Makes no reference to Australia sp4.

Anyway...I hope u can help.



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Hi Paul,


I don't want to take over the thread, but would like to ask if your pre-installed version of FSX has SP2 or Acceleration Pack, as either are pre-requisite for proper installation and functionality of Orbx software ie: AU_SP4,  FTXGlobal, YMMLv2.

I was also wondering if you could confirm this by taking a picture of  FSX.exe Properties to check your FSX version. Navigate to your FSX installation root folder > find FSX.exe > rightclick FSX.exe - select "properties" from the pop menu > choose "details" tab > move the information header bar to the right to reveal all info, (the horizontal scrollbar will extend) make sure you have enough of the info panel displayed > on keyboard press ALT+PrtScn together, then open MS paint - Paste the image (resize the white area if necessary) > from file menu - SaveAs  FSXPropDetails.jpg to a folder you choose > post it to this topic.

Could you take a picture of your FSX "Free Flight" screen and your FSX "Scenery Library" using the same method described above.


Could you also open FTXCentral2 from your Desktop Icon, select "settings"  > tools > Installed products > extend the panel vertically to display all info. Use the same method as above to capture image, post it here. This will confirm "Australia" version status AU_SP4.003 and "Orbx Library" version status.

Also can you Select Oceania from the group list on left side in FTXCentral2, it should have "Australia"  listed at the top. correct! Could you also take a picture of that panel.


To post pictures on the forum you need an upload host such as (FSFiles Image Host) http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/ . Upload your picture/s copy the image link/s paste  to the forum edit panel. Do not use the paperclip below to attach pictures as there is only 4Mb available 8Mb total per user.

See here for how to post pictures to forum posts:  http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/


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Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the detailed instructions - very easy to understand (although I did struggle with the upload to here so I posted) hope they came out.


So I think I have SP2 version.

I only took 2 pics of the scenery library...there were a number of other boxes (ALL ticked) that went on for ever, but I figured these are the ones you wanted.


Here's where it gets a little interesting - As per instructions, I took shot of ORBX products installed.   No Australia SP4 listed (so I couldn't follow your instructions any further. Even though its on my hard drive - I assumed it was there simply because my ORBX Melbourne works (despite the runway texture issues I have previously mentioned) and I thought you needed SP4 installed to enable Melbourne to work.    As previously mentioned, I never had ANY issues prior to trying to install SP4 via download and now Melbourne is the ONLY airport in the world that doesn't have trees / buildings or have the aircraft elevated 10ft off the ground.  


I do have a SP4 installation shortcut on my desktop which when I go into that to use the set-up wizard, whilst loading it brings up numerous error messages (as shown in last screenshot) which I lost count of and aborted.


I hope this answers some of the questions you have asked and you can help me.   As I said to Nick - am in way over my head here and really have no idea what I am doing (pretty obvious).   I see you're an Australian Member - if through your networking on this forum you know anybody in Melbourne who is all up to speed on this and understands computer jargon who may be in a position to help, I would make it well worth their time.   I have searched high and low here for help, and as good as the tech I have had come out is - he isn't familiar with FSX or ORBX.   Despite everyone's best intentions and advice on here, I just get lost in all the computer speak.


PaulFSXpropDetails.jpgFSXfree flight.pngFSXScenery.pngFSXscenery2.pngInstalledORBX.pngORBXinstallErrorMsg.png


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Hi Paul,

Thankyou for those pictures, they certainly tell an interesting story. So lets just look at what we have in front of us as shown in the pictures.


  • You are running FSX with SP2. This is OK as per pre-requisite advice. Acceleration or Gold would be better though.
  • Your Orbx Libraries are still showing a very old Version 101031 October 2010, except that you say you have installed the latest OrbxLibraries v160708 which would migrate your Orbx products for FTXC 2.1
  • YMML Melbourne v2.0 is installed but not integrated by the absent "Australia" regional terrain scenery & textures.
  • You do not have AU Holgermesh, which would cause YMML to display elevation issues.
  • FTXCentral "Installed Products" does not show "Australia" to be installed in any form or ServicePack, the latest being AU_SP4.003. This is reflected in the FSX Scenery Library.
  • FSX Scenery Library does not show the 13 FTXAU folder entries for "Australia" Which should be located in \ORBX\FTX_AU  subfolder

  • While Orbx Libraries are installed they are very old at least shown by the version number. Their position in the Scenery Library is OK, with the exception that the Addon Scenery entry should be positioned between "Reno" and "Propeller Objects"
  • The 13  FTXAU_   Australian regional entries should appear and be positioned between FTXAA_YMML and Edwards_AFB, but of course they are simply not there.

If you were to install AU Holgermesh it would be shown in the Scenery Library immediatly above FTXAA_ORBXLIBS   as   FTXAA_HOLGERMESH

As far as the error message in the last picture, I am following another Topic relating to a Migration error which shows a similar issue with "Australia" post migration FTXCental 2.1 with OrbxLibraries v160708, I will follow that thread to see what evolves it may give some pointers as to what is happening with your Australia installation, Orbx libs version, Installed Product list and Scenery Library. Here's the Topic: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/117857-australia-sp4/?do=findComment&comment=1061558

For the moment I can only suggest that you may have a User Permissions issue because of your installation location C:\Program Files (x86) which is a protected OS folder location. (Keeping in mind that you Pre-installed FSX may have been routinely (Express) installed to this location) Full Administrative Permissions are not automatically given to this folder or the programs installed into it.


It appears from your pictures that you are using Windows7, and as such it is recommended to also disable or switch off UAC (User Account Control) as it can play severe havoc with installations particularly where Full Admin permissions are critical to a good install.


I am reluctant to suggest doing anything to your installation until Nick Cooper or other Staff return to your Topic, and can advise what would be the best solution to resolve your issue. Hopefully your pictures will indicate what may have happened to your Australia & OrbxLibs installation.


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Thanks Jeff.

It looks indeed as if in fact neither the latest libraries nor FTX Australia are installed.

Just to confirm this, can you take a screen shot of the contents of your ORBX\FTX_AU folder which you will

find in Windows File Explorer at

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU

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Hi Jeff and Nick.

Firstly...a big thank you Jeff for an extensive message and taking the time to help.  I must admit it's a little daunting and I have no idea what you're talking about... but I will read...reread...digest and research everything you have said over the next few days and report on my progress.

As I said...I wish you were in Melbourne or knew someone here that would be willing to go hands on.


Nick... thanks too for keeping an eye on this....I will take the screenshot you have asked for and get to you in next couple of days.

Many thanks again to u both.



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You're welcome Paul, if you have time it would be crucial to pop that picture up of your ORBX\FTX_AU  folder (asahp) it will give Nick a far better idea if the Folders & files exist in the correct location, it might also then require some further instruction to discover exactly what needs to be fixed, this may enable better trouble shooting options or a simple manual adding to the Scenery Library. 

3 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Just to confirm this, can you take a screen shot of the contents of your ORBX\FTX_AU folder which you will

find in Windows File Explorer at

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU


Don't give up or sell the sim, there will be a solution, we'll try to keep the instruction as Jargon free as possible but realise some computer jargon is unavoidable.

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Hi Nick (And Jeff).


I hope the screenshots come through...image hosting is also something new to me.

Screenshot attached as requested.   From my understanding...the 13 files are there (I think) just not running/working etc.


I did download and install the AU holgermesh in an effort to get at least 1 airport in the world working (Melbourne).   Whilst it did improve the runway quality (still blurry though and missing markings in places), the plane was even more elevated off the runway / tarmac (just to clarify... plane is stationary on runway)etc...so not having much luck my end.   Pictures as follows.  The first runway sceenshot is of Melbourne without the holgermesh.  The 2nd plane pic is with mesh running. 

MAny thanks




ORBXAufiles.pngMelb Meshoff.pngMelbwithmesh.png

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@Nick Cooper


Hi Paul,

Thanks for the picture, C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU.

While it seems that the folders for AU are present, something has gone quite wrong with your installation, because they are not showing in your FTXCentralv2.1 nor are they properly activated in FSX Scenery Library.

Your copy of YMMLv2  "FTXAA_YMML"  is installed to its proper location, although it is hard to say conclusively from your pictures wether it looks 100% correct.

However you seem to be missing "FTXAU46_SHORES"  & "FTXAA_HOLGERMESH" from your ORBX\FTX_AU folder.

Either you have not unwrapped / installed the various Orbx packages (FTXGlobal, AustraliaSP4, YMMLv2)  "As administrator" by right clicking on the .exe (Executable) file to begin the installation. Or you have folder permissions /access issues because of the install location of FSX.

Although you say OrbxLibraries v160708 and FTXCentral v2.1 has been installed the presence of an older library version v101031 would suggest that you have tried to reinstall an Orbx product ie: "Australia" containing the older library set and has overwritten the latest library and FTXCentral version.

We need to establish what your FTXCentral panel looks like, so can I ask for yet another picture please. (FTXCentral panel)

Another possibility is the Installation location of your pre-installed FSX ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Simulator X) as stated in previous post, express default location was fine when people ran WinXP but has proven problematic with WinVista, Win7,Win8, & even Win10, because this C:\Program Files (x86) folder is a Protected OS / program install location, some programs have no issue with being installed there, but when it comes to FSX & P3D Full Administrative file and folder Permissions where read/writes and unobstructed FlightSim software installation can present with configuration issues such as you are experiencing.

There are other things to consider where pre-requisite software is needed before and during installation, such as MSXML4, Virtual Studio C++ updates - (up-to-date in Win updates) and of course a minimum  .NET 4.5.2  should also be installed. Sometimes it is a good idea to disable Antivirus before installation and for Win7 and upwards to disable UAC (UserAccountControl) permanently before attempting any Flight Sim software installation.


What is the way forward you might ask?

It will be necessary to attempt yet another installation of your Orbx products, following Strictly to the Installation advice written above and from this Orbx Guide below,

You should at least have your Orbx products extracted from their .zip files, each in their own (named temporary folders) ready to be installed. Then within each of those folders you will find a .exe FSS file. Begin with AUSP4 Download version, then proceed to YMML Download version, then FTXGlobal Download version, follow all installer instruction panels. You should begin the installation by right clicking the .exe and choosing "Run as Administrator" you will not need to go through unwrapping process this time because your previous uncucessful attempts have already placed this info in your registry.

After you have installed Australia, open FTXC and confirm that either Australia or Oceania are present in the Groups list Select then click apply, confirm that you see Australia in the Installed products list. Close FTXCentral - Proceed with YMMLv2 - confirm that it also is listed in Installed Products List. Install FTXGlobal Confirm in FTXCentral Products List. Finally when you have these 3 installed you should Install the OrbxLibraries v160708. Start your Sim to the Free Flight screen, Confirm in your FSX Scenery Library that you See in this order :






Close the Sim,  Open FTXCentral it should be the V2.1 version allow the spinning sync wheel to complete - look for any RED or GREEN notices of pending updates, if there are any they should be installed immediately, once these have been completed follow any prompts for migration of currently installed products. Once complete start FSX follow any new notices about Objectflow.dll say YES to any notice of such which will add Objectflow to the FSX.cfg [Trusted] section and apply the module to the DLL.xml file.


You can at this point start a flight to anywhere in your simulator where you should see the FTXGlobal features or select YMML or anywhere else in Australia, the installation is complete at this point. Or you can close the Simulator and Open FTXCentral to select or deselect components from the YMML control panel listed under Oceania in your Groups List. Migration should have been completed at this point, but you can check to see if it has completed by running the Migration checking tool http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/117655-troubleshooting-unified-lclookup-migration-issues/  as noted in this topic. If it shows green on your installed products Australia & FTXGlobal then your Migration process is complete. If Red, something has not migrated correctly or is missing, you can attempt Forced Migration" as per the link above.


Now that you have installed confirmed and configured your products you can and should navigate to your FSX installation Folder \Microsoft Simulator X -  located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games and Give it Full Administrative Folders Subfolders and Files permissions by rightclicking on this folder "Microsoft Simulator X" select Properties > "General" tab > remove the Blue bullit from the Read only attributes checkbox > click Apply > in the following dialog select "apply changes to this Folder Subfolders and Files" click OK to allow the routine to run. Dialog will close when finished on the Properties panel click OK to close the panel.


If failing all this an  FTXCentral Diagnostic report may be needed,  I think that about covers it for now unless Nick Cooper  has a simpler solution. So sorry to make it all sound so overly complex to a novice Simmer.


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Hi Jeff,  

Awesome extensive reply.


I didn't really understand a lot ...but will study closely over next few days.   Having said that - all isn't lost...my tech contacted me and has given me a free visit to try and fix issues.   Whilst he isn't familiar with FSX / ORBX...he does understand all the 'jargon' so I hope to gather as much info as possible, forward him all these posts to research before he attends and hopefully will sort this all out.   In the meantime, I will continue to ask stupid questions to try and understand this better.

Just a few bits of info...


1st - I will take the screenshot you requested and post.

2nd - I know I have at least Net 4.5 as a minimum - have been asked before.   I can double check if you talk me thru it again.

3rd - If I re-install ORBX products again - is there a particular order they should be installed? do the old files have to be uninstalled? or will they be overwritten with new install.


4th....As previously mentioned - the first program I installed was AU SP4 - this was via a download from the FlightSim store AU server.  as my sim isn't connected to the internet - I downloaded the file onto an external HD from another computer (Virus checked it) and uploaded to sim.  Its always bothered me that I was never asked for a verification key or similar to download (unlike the discs).   When I installed the download..thats when my world changed lol.  FSX wouldn't open and all my issues began.  The tech managed to get FSX working, but I was still getting about 6 or 7 error messages on start up...pretty sure the missing file you mentioned - AU 46 scenery / shores  (or similar) was one of them.  My tech said (after researching on forums) that when I receive the back-up discs in mail - to re-install and that should overwrite errors.  I did that a couple of days later when they arrived, and whilst it did get rid of most of the error messages...there were still 2 remaining on start up.  Am pretty sure one of them was the AU 46 shores you mentioned.   From memory (its all a blurr) I did manage to somehow disable the 2 files...somewhere in one of the menus (can't remember where) but definitely not any of the root menus (way out of my league).   That stopped the error messages...but didn't really fix anything else.


5th - as per previous posts, Nick suggested re-installing SP4 from the download but I was reluctant due to the fear of losing FSX again.   Perhaps you (and or Nick) can just confirm - If I re-install via a download, should I download a completely new file again (in case the other one was corrupt)?

Should I be getting asked for an validation code or similar prior to download?


I will post more question/s as I think of them - as well as the screenshot requested.  Once again - huge thankyou - I owe you a slab of Beers.




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Hi Paul,


If you wish to easily determine which .NET versions are installed, here is a simple GUI / .NET Version Detector http://www.asoft.be/prod_netver.html Download the File extract or unzip it then run the "dotnet.exe" accept the EULA then it will check for all versions installed and display a Graphic > take a picture (Alt+PrtScn>MSPaint>Paste>SaveAs .jpg) upload and post it along with the FTXCentral picture.


If you find that you only have .NET 3.5.1 & .NET 3.5.2  .NET 4.5.1 or 4.5.2 it may be worthwhile running Windows update to check for the latest .NET updates to all versions and also install .NET 4.6.1 & 4.6.2 and re-run Windows update to check for security updates to .NET and other MS OS programs. Try to stay clear of any Win10 related updates if it is your intention to remain with Windows7. (Only 3 Days to run on the Win10 free install period now)


Anyway that's Point 2. off the list, will get back to you soon about point 1  & 3 through 5 above.  

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Hi Paul,

Just a few responses to points 1 & 3-5.


17 hours ago, Paul Edwards said:

1st - I will take the screenshot you requested and post.

Will wait to see which FTXC is displayed and which options are available when picture is up.


17 hours ago, Paul Edwards said:

3rd - If I re-install ORBX products again - is there a particular order they should be installed? do the old files have to be uninstalled? or will they be overwritten with new install.

My personal opinion about Un-installation prior to Re-installation in this case would not be necessary just let the New Overwrite the former incomplete installation, as long as you adhere to procedure everything should go accordingly.

No there really isn't any particular order, as when customers began installing Orbx products there was a natural progression, some products back then had OrbxLibs included making it possible to install an older Library over the top of a new depending which product was installed in the sequence (with the proviso that in any circumstance where a new Orbx Product was installed it must be followed up by an installation/re-installation of the Latest OrbxLibraries) Finalising an installation with the latest Orbx Libraries is still the case, afaik. Either through direct DL of the full Libraries or through FTXCentral notification (Green Update banner).

But for your Re-install I would start with, AustraliaSP4 DL a fresh copy from FSS, followed by AU Holgermesh, followed by YMMLv2 DL a fresh copy from FSS, followed by FTXGlobal DL a fresh copy from FSS, followed by reinstallation of OrbxLibraries v160708 DL from Here:https://fullterrain.com/support#orbxlibs


17 hours ago, Paul Edwards said:

4th....As previously mentioned - the first program I installed was AU SP4 - this was via a download from the FlightSim store AU server.  as my sim isn't connected to the internet - I downloaded the file onto an external HD from another computer (Virus checked it) and uploaded to sim.  Its always bothered me that I was never asked for a verification key or similar to download (unlike the discs).   When I installed the download..thats when my world changed lol.  FSX wouldn't open and all my issues began.  The tech managed to get FSX working, but I was still getting about 6 or 7 error messages on start up...pretty sure the missing file you mentioned - AU 46 scenery / shores  (or similar) was one of them.  My tech said (after researching on forums) that when I receive the back-up discs in mail - to re-install and that should overwrite errors.  I did that a couple of days later when they arrived, and whilst it did get rid of most of the error messages...there were still 2 remaining on start up.  Am pretty sure one of them was the AU 46 shores you mentioned.   From memory (its all a blurr) I did manage to somehow disable the 2 files...somewhere in one of the menus (can't remember where) but definitely not any of the root menus (way out of my league).   That stopped the error messages...but didn't really fix anything else.

It is I suspect going to be very difficult to trace or positively identify what process or omission caused your problems on the Initial Installation of AUSP4 Download. The subsequent backup copy overwrite is possibly what caused the Libs to revert to the older version, but this is all just conjecture, as there seems to be other issues at play from the outset, which is why I suspect Admin Permissions and install location of FSX to be a likely target.

It is strange however that the first DL install did not ask for your Key, Date, and Ordernumber, as this is a part of the initial FSS unwrapping process, after installing once to the target PC unless the OS has been reinstalled the product registration will stay in the Windows Registry requiring no further FSS validation on subsequent reinstalls.

The errors messages of which you mention will also be difficult to trace, as we cannot retrieve them nor I suspect would they be relevant at this stage. We should just focus on getting the re-installation right, then checking the results to confirm an outcome consistent with successful installation.


17 hours ago, Paul Edwards said:

5th - as per previous posts, Nick suggested re-installing SP4 from the download but I was reluctant due to the fear of losing FSX again.   Perhaps you (and or Nick) can just confirm - If I re-install via a download, should I download a completely new file again (in case the other one was corrupt)?

Yes, I think this is the best method as FSS store and DL packages would have the most current version / recent updates SP's and Patches. Perhaps you did not have a complete DL or an omission during install, such as when people who use WinZip either try to install from the WZ wizard preview screen, because they can see the .exe they fail to extract the contents of the .zip. OR they double click the .zip and install without considering to extract its contents. ( it is very very very important to extract or unzip any package into a folder you create, before executing the installer it is equally important that if a package contains multiple .zip files or package components that they are extracted to the folder that you created for that Product to be extracted to)  


Here is a little light reading, although the info and program versions depicted are a little out of date (in need of new edition I believe) most of the info is still quite relevant.

The Definitive Guide to FTX Products : This can also be found above "Settings" in FTXCentral "ORBX GUIDE"


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Thanks again Jeff.:)

The Australia SP4 patch contains the old version 1 of FTX Central but also all 13 folders.

I wonder if that that been installed instead of the whole product?


This what you should see in the FTX Central installed products

Australia FTX AUSTRALIA SP4.003 - NOVEMBER 2013

Orbx Libraries FTX AA ORBX Libraries Version 160708 8th July 2016



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Hi Jeff & Nick.


Hopefully the screenshot{s} uploaded ok.


Jeff - There was definitely no code / key of any sort entered with the download.  The FTX screen that first opens up is very basic and doesn't give a lot of options.   I did take a couple more of what I thought you may ask for.  I hope they help in some way.


Nick - the orbx installed product page in FTX (I hope that is what you meant) hasn't changed from the screenshot I sent Jeff further back in the post.  In that there is definitely no SP4 installed and the library date / numbers different to what you said (although what I have is what I installed from the link you provided further back down the post)...please advise if you meant that I needed to look in a different Location.


Again - a big thankyou to you both and your efforts to help.  Whilst I do not understand a lot of what is being said - I am starting to, and I am sure with all the information that is being provided, my tech will be able to work thru.   Please let me know what else you  would like me to provide / do.




Pic 1 - This is the first screen that opens.   The only options I can click on here are Orbx Guide & Settings


Pic 2 - Central Settings


Pic 3/4 - Library Insertion points and About.



Please let me know if you require further







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Errrrrrr Paul,    see that big RED notice in the FTXCentral panel. " Stop the bus!!!! " do not try to re-install until we can determine exactly how much disk space you have and Drives available (what are your drives and their capacity).  The Red notice  is telling you that you do not have enough space on your Disk to install the products effectively. It says 10Gb to install but you only have 3.92Gb Free space.  This does not include the space required to unpack each product prior to installation, and then to install into the FSX & ORBX directory. 

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Hi Jeff....I had a feeling you were going to say something about this.


My C Drive is 80GB.   I know this is too small and am in process of purchasing new 500GB SS C drive and getting my old drive cloned.  I also have a 1TB 'D' drive which has roughly 900GB free space on it (but thought ORBX products always defaulted and ran from the C Drive).  Part of the reason I haven't attempted to install my Orbx Global package yet is I knew I had very limited space on my C drive - together with the issues I was having with SP 4.


Having said this - when I started the process, I had ample space (I think) to install Australia SP4 and Melbourne Airport.   As per previous screenshot - the ORBX folder that hasn't installed correctly was/did load into my C Drive as did Melbourne.   At that time my free disc space was showing around 9GB.  It wasn't until the other day when I downloaded FTX Central did I see the red message and have disc space drop to 3.92 GB.   I never gave this a lot of thought as the issue started before downloading FTX Central.   Having said that - I am guessing you are going to suggest I never had enough space to begin with.


Would you suggest I make the upgrading of my C drive a priority?

Many Thanks


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Hi Nick,


Can you clarify/confirm something that I raised a few posts ago and Jeff offered an explanation.


When I initially installed Australia SP4 via download - should I have been prompted to enter some type of validation key etc at any stage?



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2 hours ago, Paul Edwards said:

Hi Jeff....I had a feeling you were going to say something about this.


My C Drive is 80GB.   I know this is too small and am in process of purchasing new 500GB SS C drive and getting my old drive cloned.  I also have a 1TB 'D' drive which has roughly 900GB free space on it (but thought ORBX products always defaulted and ran from the C Drive).  Part of the reason I haven't attempted to install my Orbx Global package yet is I knew I had very limited space on my C drive - together with the issues I was having with SP 4.


Having said this - when I started the process, I had ample space (I think) to install Australia SP4 and Melbourne Airport.   As per previous screenshot - the ORBX folder that hasn't installed correctly was/did load into my C Drive as did Melbourne.   At that time my free disc space was showing around 9GB.  It wasn't until the other day when I downloaded FTX Central did I see the red message and have disc space drop to 3.92 GB.   I never gave this a lot of thought as the issue started before downloading FTX Central.   Having said that - I am guessing you are going to suggest I never had enough space to begin with.


Would you suggest I make the upgrading of my C drive a priority?

Many Thanks



Hi Paul,


2 hours ago, Paul Edwards said:

(but thought ORBX products always defaulted and ran from the C Drive)

Having said that - I am guessing you are going to suggest I never had enough space to begin with.

Yes Paul your correct on both the above statements. Except that Orbx products need to be installed wherever the Simulator installation files and folders have been installed, in your case default location on OS boot Drive at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Simulator X


Unfortunatley an 80Gb C: drive is not enough, most boot drives these days will have a capacity between 250Gb and 500Gb either as HDD or SSD.
The C: Boot drive contains your Operating System and associated programs, then unfortunately your FSX simulator has been Pre-installed to the Default location C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Simulator X (I imagine you were not provided the FSX installation disks for potential reinstall/repair)


By installing FSX to the boot drive C:  Orbx product installers must also find and install to this location where your simulator resides. You would naturally have your ProSim-AR 737 software installed to the FSX installation or Program Files or Program Files (x86) on the C: Drive as well (Consuming more space).


OS files and folders + Downloaded programs & .zipped Orbx packages + already or partially installed software + My Documents/ documents & pictures + simulator "V key" pictures saved as huge .bmp's,  all conspire together to consume all available C: drive Real Estate.

Add to that, the Orbx installer unpacking routines which require a certain amount of free space on the C: drive in "Temporary" folder during the installation, which are then removed once the installer has installed the Orbx software to your FSX also on the C: Drive.

You can understand then that Free Space becomes a priority for all elements to be completely unpacked and then to properly install into the various sub-folders where the Simulator has been installed.

The way most FSX / P3D users choose to install their simulator is to purchase a Large capacity say, 500Gb - 1Tb  HDD or the largest affordable SSD, and then to Create a folder on this separate internal drive, for eg; mine is G:\FSX then to install the simulator as a custom install to that folder location.

Naturally this overcomes issues with Drive space on the OS boot drive, provided you have enough Pagefile and Temp capacity available ie; 250-500Gb on C: .

This method of Sim install free's up valuable real-estate and overcomes Wvista W7 W8 W10, Admin Permissions, Configuration, & Sim addon software expansion, leaving your C: Drive relatively untouched/affected by the Simulator installation files/folders, apart from a minimal portion of core configuration files and folders that must install to the C: Drive in \ProgramData & \AppData.


I would advise you to follow through with your plan as a priority, to replace and / or Clone / reinstall your Operating System Boot drive with a larger capacity 500Gb HDD or SSD. I would look into the availability of obtaining FSX installation disks, or searching for FSX Deluxe Gold boxed (version) which has SP1 & AccPack. Buy a 500Gb - 1TB HDD or SSD install your FSX as Custom installation to that drive. Re-installation of the Sim to a new drive will also require a reinstall and configuration of ProSim software for your ProSim hardware components.  Once this is done I am certain your Orbx Software will install, having all the necessary room to unpack, expand and properly configure. (If you cannot locate original FSX Installation Disks FSX Deluxe Gold (boxed) then your Sim options will become (FSX:SE (Dovetail-Steam Edition) or P3D.)


Your relatively unused 1Tb Storage drive is a great place to Store general Downloaded programs and others such as (ProSim installers and Orbx Packages), and to store OperatingSystem and Sim backups.

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Thanks Jeff,


I am starting to get this.  I always knew my 80gb was too small (thats the way I purchased sim)...I was just hoping to 'get off the ground' (no pun intended) before I installed Orbx Global.

28 minutes ago, Jeff Gilmour said:

(I imagine you were not provided the FSX installation disks for potential reinstall/repair)

You are correct - it was installed and have contacted the previous owner, there are no discs available.


50 minutes ago, Jeff Gilmour said:

I would advise you to follow through with your plan as a priority, to replace and / or Clone / reinstall your Operating System Boot drive with a larger capacity 500Gb HDD or SSD. I would look into the availability of obtaining FSX installation disks, or searching for FSX Deluxe Gold boxed (version) which has SP1 & AccPack. Buy a 500Gb - 1TB HDD or SSD install your FSX as Custom installation to that drive. Re-installation of the Sim to a new drive will also require a reinstall and configuration of ProSim software for your ProSim hardware components


I will go out and buy a new HD...I am assuming SSD is the way to go?


If I do clone my current hard drive...will I retain my current FSX and prosim? the reason I ask, if I have to buy a new FSX program (which I'm prepared to do) - reinstalling and configuring my Prosim is way out of my league.   One of the highlights of my sim is a fully functioning 737 Overhead panel which as I understand is all tied in with Prosim program which is linked to FSX...If I were to lose these settings it would be a nighmare. Beyond my capabilities and probably my Tech's

If I installed new FSXgold for example on my new cloned hard drive - would that overwrite or replace my current FSX, but still retain my prosim? (like FSX, I don't have any discs for Prosim...or any programs in computer when I purchased sim).


As you can probably gather - I am trying to find the simplest way to retain my set up prior to these issues occuring.    I am patient and am happy to take this step by step to get this right - like many, have spent far too much money on this to walk away.


As always Many thanks.


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Hi Paul,


Considering your available options with regard to "Lack of available Disk Space & not having FSX disks" I can understand your need to have your Sim setup in its current form, maintaining the installations for FSX and ProSim cockpit setups as they were originally setup for you.

Without the required technical knowledge to set it all up, and configure ProSim components into FSX from a reinstall standpoint, I think it best to go for the Clone option.

As long as you have mirrored the drive clone identically onto the new larger capacity drive, your OS, FSX Sim, and ProSim software should function as it was on the 80Gb drive. With the exception that you will gain the necessary freespace to properly Re-install Orbx software. (All installation advice and prerequisite software advice still applies to your Orbx software installation once you are fully up and running with the new Cloned drive. 


It might be best to seek out that freebie from your tech person with regard to Disk Cloning as it is very important to have an Identical OS System Registry, FSX/ProSim structure when the clone is completed. (In the absence of FSX disks & ProSim technical configuration knowledge & installers, Don't remove anything from your original 80Gb drive, but rather test the new clone for FSX Sim /ProSim function, then put the 80Gb drive away for safekeeping)


I cannot advise on the Cloning process, or ProSim as I have neither Cloned or have ProSim-AR software/hardware. Support for resulting ProSim technical issues should be addressed on their website here: http://prosim-ar.com/


Kind Regards and best of luck. Jeff

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Thanks Jeff - you have been an enourmous help with all this.


I have every intention of having my disc professionally cloned (I know my limitations).   I will get that all sorted in next week or so then no doubt be in touch for further advice - although, I am starting to feel confident that a solution will be reached.

Many thanks


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