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CAC8 Nanaimo Water Aerodrome

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On Saturday the 2nd of July there was a release announcement for CAC8 Nanimo Water Aerodrome.  That scenery package was also listed in the freeware section of FTX Web page (Freeware).


However; It does not mention of this package is P3Dv3 ready as do the other scenery packages.  I do not want to download a package that is not P3Dv3 ready just to have my entire scenery library wiped out because it thinks I am installing incompatable scenery packages.


So my question is:  v3, v2 or what version is this package compatable with?



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Since the above post was answered - and the topic in and of itself is suitable _ I am going to Hijack this so I can express appreciation for Larry's work and contribution to the P3D/FSX communities with his scenery. Free....wow, can't ask for better given the quality of the work that goes into this. Details, details. I hope that Jon and company will definately bring Larry into the fold for other projects - Jon Patch would be very proud, as am I for having the opportunity to "know" Larry and the passion he puts into his scenery creations for the benefit of others. THANK-YOU!


I have mentioned in the past that there are a lot of great little details that are added into his scenery and can only hope he knows how much it is appreciated to add more to the Vancouver, Vancouver Island experience of P3D. I promised Larry that I would share this with a friend who works for Seaspan - the tugboat and barge company featured prominently here. He replied back with a Wow! I also mentioned to Larry I would get him some more pictures...so far this is what I have - my friend Trapper will get more soon.








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Thanks so much for the kind words Greg.  This is a good spot for me to thank Greg for all his help with the ferries. For the ferries, Greg is my equivalent of  the Orbx Beta team. When Greg gives me a GREEN, I post the files. :-)

What great shots of the Seaspan Cutlass; I'll have to resist the temptation to redo the model in CAC8 to use them. Maybe sometime.

Since this thread is [edit 'was'] in the Community Scenery forum I should clarify the following.  CAC8 is an Orbx project, published and supported by Orbx. It's not Community Scenery.  However the PNW ferries project is an independent effort of mine, links to which are posted in this Community Scenery forum. The ferry system is not directly associated with Orbx and is not supported by Orbx.   

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Sorry for any confusion I may have caused. My time has become rather limited...and simply have no more brain power to put together a constructive thought.....regardless - thanks for all the highly immersive scenery regardless of "legal home". It's appreciated and I appreciate the opportunity to have been involved in anyway. Always available in the future. 

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