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Aussiecop's Helicopter Around Australia leg 4 and 5 little help from my friends

Ryan Mason

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This leg I was joined by a few mates who wanted to stretch their helo legs and join me for a few stops.  I was joined by Johnno (qantastic) and Jorge (Aeronauta) we had a great time, a co worker who watched a few of the landings from my cockpit had this to say about one of Jorge's landings "wow!, thats the first time I have seen a helicopter land and inject itself 14 feet underground and pop up unscathed!" lol  We departed from Freindly beaches where I left you all last time and followed along the coast to these airports.

Ben Lomond


St Helens YSTH

Iceton Station

Swan Island

Clarke Island

Passage Island

Cape Barren Island

Lady Barron

Flinders Island YFLI



Deal Island

Perch Oil Rig

Yarram YYRM

For some reason my pressing of the V key is saving my shots out of sequence so there will be some that dont match up, but the ones I recognise will have captions, this is really broadening my horizons as I think I have been to more fields in the last few weeks than ever! I think my extended fuel tank should be ready once I reach FNQ so looking forward to that, it doesnt appear that I will have any more legs that have massive distances where I might get low again.  I now know not to chance it on fuel percentage, if there is a tank on a field I fill up!

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Departing Friendly Beaches

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Myself and Johnno trying to locate Ben Lomond in the snow, we ended up abandoning the search for fuel savings and continuing on to Mathinna

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Arriving at Mathinna

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It was nice to look out the window and have company off the side, thanks for comming Johnno

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On approach into St. Helens

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Leaving YSTH what a great feild with so much to see.

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Getting ready to leave mainland Tassie

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The Islands around Tassie are just magic.

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Deal Island in the distance.

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Not what you want on approach! a 40 knot gust caught me by surprise but I was able to whip out of it pretty quickly, but it still scared the pants off me.

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Ahhh even a helipad for me.

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A stop at a rig for fuel and we are off back to the mainland again.

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A sight I never get sick of seeing, the Victorian coastline.

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Heading into Yarram

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You would think it would be quieter, but yep thats a Blackhawk and Jorge also in front of me on approach.

Thanks for looking, see you next leg

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Great shots there Aussiecop, especially the ones where you see two or more helicopters. Picture number nine, taking from the cub, is very original.

I love flying choppers. And yes, when you are flying with someone else it is even better.

I remenber some of the names you mention, but I couldn't say in which state there are located. So a map showing your general location of flight would have been appreciated.


Runhand  8)

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Awesome shots. Sadly, I'm a yank, and a transplanted Texan. I plan on trying to join a flight in MP one weekend soon and hope you all will be flying helo's again. I haven't a clue where you were flying and am in search of a really good paper map of the continent so I will be better informed.

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Runhand, I really should do some maps like yours, good idea.

Turbineflier,  I am also in the states and mostly fly on weekdays from 5p-9p US central time if your interested

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Thanks for everyones feedback, its a great journey I am thorougly enjoying.  Runhand suggested I show you guys on the map where the photos are comming from, while I am not very good at it here is the run through of where I am and the route I have taken.  I will try and add one of these in each leg that I fly.

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Yarram is my rest stop, getting the helo checked out as both Johnno and myself spent thousands on new engines from hot starts, there is an issue that I am trying  to get resolved before continuing the journey, I am considering an entire new fuel system, going from bendix to ceco fuelling as that will prevent more of what has been happening and keep the costs down!

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